July 01, 2024

2 Jul






Week 27 Day 184 Flag Today  84°/58°

Wind 6 mph Gusts 15 mph Moderate Breeze

Active Fire:  515 miles away Risk of fire: High  Nearest Lightning: 6 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Partly Cloudy

Jul Averages: Temps: 82°\52° Moisture:  8 Days


Monthly Observations

Dog Days (7/3 to 8/11)   Link
Dry Eye Awareness Month

Eye Injury Prevention Month Link 

Family Golf Month
Fireworks Safety Month

Fragile X Awareness Month Link

Weekly Observations


International Lace Week   Link  


National Independent Living Week
National Unassisted Homebirth Week

6/27 -7/4

National Prevention of Eye Injuries Awareness
Fireworks Safety Week

National Wildland Firefighter Week of Remembrance

Tour de France  Link 

Tom Sawyer Days

Daily Observations

Freedom From Fear of Speaking Day
I Forgot Day
International Joke Day
Made in the USA Day
National Financial Freedom Day
National Television Heritage Day

National Wildland Firefighter Day   Link
Special Recreation for the Disabled Day

World Sports Journalists Day
World UFO Day  
Link  Link

Zip Code Day 


Today’s Quote                                                        Today’s Meme


"Summer is singing with joy, and the beaches are inviting you with dancing waves."

— Debasish Mridha



Today’s Thoughts

The monsoon returned last evening and is continuing today.

Faith and Andy had to postpone their Jamica trip due to Hurricane Beryl. Better safe than sorry.  I understand the feelings, mine were from the Tahiti trip postponed due to COVID. They are delayed by a very early hurricane.

America has been waiting for the Supreme Court decision on immunity of the President. The decision was released this morning. It appears that the President of the United States is immune from a large number of ‘official acts’. I see this as a slap in the face for those who believe ‘no man is above the law’. Time will tell if our country survives intact after this decision.

 1965 was 59 years ago…

Yearly Inflation Rate USA 1.59%

Year End Close Dow Jones 969

Average Cost of new house $13,600.00

Average Income per year $6,450.00 -

Average Cost of a new car $2,650.00 -

Average Monthly Rent $118,00

Cost of a gallon of Gas 31 cents

Loaf of bread 21 cents

Veal Cutlets 68 cents per pound

Frozen Chicken Pies 29 cents

Below are some Prices for UK guides in Pounds Sterling

Average House Price 3,660


Origin of common phrases


Heard it through the grapevine

"Heard it through the grapevine" means learning something through gossip or rumor. One theory dates it to the informal way of communication through what was called a grapevine telegraph for people who were enslaved. Another theory ascribes the phrase to the early telegraph system in the 19th century that used miles of wire strung from poles that resembled grapevine trellises.


False Facts about religions


All Hindus Are Vegetarians

Given that cows hold an almost divine status in Hinduism and that the scriptures promote vegan diets through compassion for all beings, it’s easy to see why many mistake all Hindus for being entirely vegetarian. However, Pew Research tells us that only 40% of Hindus actually have a strictly vegetarian diet.

Historic Events


o   1788 – The US Constitution went into effect

o   1937 – Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan disappeared over the South Pacific Ocean

o   1964 – The US Civil Right Act was signed into law

o   2002 – Steve Fossett traveled around the world in a balloon, 19,400 miles between June 18 and July 2nd.


Birthdays with some quotes


95 – Imelda Marcos, Filipino politician; 10th First Lady of the Philippines, shoe collector

87 – Polly Holliday, American actress

87 – Richard Petty, American race car driver and sportscaster

“The good Lord doesn’t tell you what His plan is, so all you can do is get up in the morning and see what happens next.”

77 – Larry David, American actor, comedian, producer, screenwriter

” Sometimes you have to wander a bit, and do what you don’t want to in order to figure out what it is you’re supposed to do.”

60 – Jose Canseco, Cuban-American baseball player

41 – Michelle Branch, American singer-songwriter

39 – Ashley Tisdale, actress, singer

“Don’t let anyone, or any rejection, keep you from what you want.”

38 – Lindsay Lohan, American actress

“No one is perfect. It’s not interesting to be perfect.”

34 – Margot Robbie, Australian actress

“Everyone’s like, ‘overnight sensation.’ It’s not overnight. It’s years of hard work.”

29 – Ryan Murphy, American swimmer


@98 – Pierre Cardin, Italian-French fashion designer

@92 – René Lacoste, French tennis player and businessman, invented the polo shirt (d. 1996)

@85 – Hermann Hesse, German-born Swiss poet, novelist, and painter, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1962)

“Wisdom is not communicable. The wisdom which a wise man tries to communicate always sounds foolish… Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom.”

@84 – Thurgood Marshall, American lawyer and jurist, US Supreme Court 1967-1991 (d. 1993)

@78 – Brock Peters, American actor (d. 2005; cancer)

@74 – Ken Curtis, American actor (d. 1991; heart attack)

@69 – Elizabeth Tudor, English daughter of Henry VII of England (d. 1495)

“Do not tell secrets to those whose faith and silence you have not already tested.”

@69 – Dave Thomas, American businessman and philanthropist, founded Wendy’s (d. 2002; liver disease)

“What’s the secret to success? It’s no secret. You need a winning attitude, honesty and integrity, and a burning desire to succeed.”

@62 – Ron Silver, American actor, director, political activist (d. 2009; cancer)



…The End for today…


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