July 18, 2024

19 Jul





Week 29 Day 201 Flag Today  88°/55°

Wind 3 mph Gusts 15 mph LIght Breeze

Active Fire:  371 miles away Risk of fire: Extreme Nearest Lightning: 9 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Partly Cloudy

Jul Averages: Temps: 82°\52° Moisture:  8 Days


Weekly Observations


Everybody Deserves A Massage Week Link 

Rabbit Week (Re Magician Rabbits) 

National Baby Food Week Link  
National Ventriloquism Week


Hemingway Look-Alike Days Link 


Hemp History Week Link  



Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) Education & Awareness Week

Family Golf Week Link

Flag Football Week Link 


Tour de France  Link 

Daily Observations

Celebration of The Horse Day -21
Flight Attendant Safety Professionals’ Day

Flitch Day  
Hemingway Look-Alike Day -25  
National Daiquiri Day


National Pajama Day  Link
National Raspberry Cake Day

New Friends Day
Park and Recreation Professionals Day
Robin Hood Day -20  
Stick Out Your Tongue Day

Words With Friends Day   

Today’s Quote                                                        Today’s Meme


"All in all, it was a never-to-be-forgotten summer — one of those summers which come seldom into any life, but leave a rich heritage of beautiful memories in their going — one of those summers which, in a fortunate combination of delightful weather, delightful friends and delightful doing, come as near to perfection as anything can come in this world."

— L.M. Montgomery



Today’s Thoughts

Expecting monsoon to begin any time today. Clouds are dark and ominous.

Yesterday afternoon I scheduled a haircut for this morning. The girl accidentally made it for Friday. When I arrived, my stylist was busy. She saw me and said she would fit me in. I had to wait about 20 minutes, but then I was in and out in no time. Nice to not be so bushy now.

I listened to parts of most Republican speeches last night. I did listen to Vance’s entire speech.  He did a good job, is very personable, but neglected some major points like he wants no exceptions in abortion, no money for Ukraine, and public vouchers that would destroy our current education program. He made it sound like coal jobs would be coming back, which they never will, due to automation. Vote carefully in November.

I got a fraud alert from my bank last night on one of my credit cards. It was cancelled and they are sending me a new one. It took 3 phone calls to verify the notice was real, but I am confident I stopped the thief.

As if things weren’t already messed up, now Biden has Covid. This will give him a chance to drop out of the election with grace.

 1970 was 54 years ago…

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty goes into effect after ratification by 43 nations.

Beatles have disbanded

Paul McCartney announces that the Beatles have disbanded

Apollo 13 mission to moon Accident

Apollo 13 mission to moon Accident.

Egypt -- Aswan High Dam Completed

The Aswan High Dam is completed during July of 1970.

US Invades Cambodia

US Invades Cambodia

Chicago Seven

Chicago Seven defendants found guilty of intent to incite a riot in 1968 ( later overturned by Court of Appeal )


Phrases used by Old-er People that younger people might not understand


“In a Pickle”

To be in a pickle means to be in a difficult or challenging situation. As shared by The Phrase Finder, “The ‘in trouble’ meaning of ‘in a pickle’ was an allusion to being as disoriented and mixed up as the stewed vegetables that made up pickles.” The phrase is a whimsical way of acknowledging a tricky predicament.


False Facts about religions

Jews Do Not Believe in an Afterlife

Jews believe that there is life after death, but it’s more diverse and complex than in other Abrahamic religions. As the BBC shares, “most Orthodox Jews believe that the physical body will be resurrected in the Messianic Age when the good will rise from the dead.”


Historic Events


1848 – Woman’s Rights Convention at Seneca Falls

1863 – Suffering 1,515 casualties, the Union soldiers were defeated while trying to capture Fort Wagner in South Carolina.

1909 – Baseball’s first unassisted Triple Play was achieved by shortstop Neal Ball.

1982 – Geraldine Ferraro was nominated as the first female Vice-Presidential candidate.


Birthdays with some quotes

Jared Padalecki, 41

TV Actor

Benedict Cumberbatch, 47

Movie Actor

Brian May, 76


Anthony Edwards, 61

TV Actor



@89 – Max Fleischer, Austrian-American animator, producer (d. 1972)

@83 – Edgar Degas, French painter, sculptor, and illustrator (d. 1917)
@66 – Lizzie Borden, American woman, acquitted for the murder of her parents in 1892 (d. 1927; pneumonia)
@47 – Samuel Colt, American businessman, founded the Colt’s Manufacturing Company (d. 1862; gout)


…The End for today…


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