July 26, 2024

27 Jul




Week 30 Day 209 Flag Today  81°/54°

Wind 1 mph Gusts 7 mph Light Breeze  

Active Fire:  99 miles away Risk of fire: High  Nearest Lightning: 5 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Partly Cloudy

Jul Averages: Temps: 82°\52° Moisture:  8 Days


Weekly Observations


National Moth Week

Captive Nations Week
National Independent Retailers Week
National Zoo Keeper Week
Women in Baseball Week

National Tequila Week Link


Comic Con International

Quilt Odyssey Week 

Comi Great Texas Mosquitos Days  Link 

Games of the XXXIII Olympiad 2024

Annie Oakley Days

Daily Observations

Bagpipe Appreciation Day
Barbie-in-a-blender Day  
Love Is Kind Day  
National Chicken Finger Day
National Crème Brûlée Day
National Korean Veterans Armistice Day

National Day of the Cowboy Link  Link Link
National Day of Lament    
National Water Gun Fight Day  
Paddle for Perthes Disease Awareness Day  

Take Your Houseplant For A Walk Day  Link
Walk on Stilts Day

Today’s Quote                                                       


“I drifted into a summer nap under the hot shade of July, serenaded by a cicada lullaby to drowsy warm dreams of distant thunder.”

– Terri Guillemets


Today’s Meme


Today’s Thoughts

I’ve already had a nice 15-minute monsoon today. Much calmer than yesterday. Thankfully there was no reported damage yesterday around Flag.

Bullying needs to stop. Four years have been enough. I am tired of politicians and news media outlets purposefully mispronouncing the VP/ Presidential candidates name. Get a life.

I worked with Annie Yazzie/Walker for many years. She was a supervisor at Tuba, Principal at Red Lake and Kaibeto. When she retired and moved to Flag she joined our retirement lunch group for a couple of years. She is highly intelligent and like many other highly intelligent people, a tad flighty. She was a very hard worker and always in a good mood. Yesterday her son came to my house. I didn’t even know she had children. Back in January Annie had a debilitating stroke that left her unable to talk and living in a wheelchair. Her son’s were going through some of her stuff and found my name. They needed help with a letter from OPM in the Bureau. One son has been her medical power of attorney since the stroke but no one has her financial power of attorney. They had Annie in the van and hoped I could help them. Both her sons are college graduates and working while caring for their mom. It was so disheartening to see her like that. I am doing what I can to get them help from people I know from the Bureau. I gave them a few leads and after they left talked to Andy to see if he had any ideas. He did and I shared the names with them. I sure hope I can help more.

 1972 was 52 years ago…

·         1972 This year is marked as a black year in history due to the use of terrorism entering sport with the massacre of 11 Israel Athletes by Arab Gunman. Also this is the beginning of the biggest political scandal in modern times and the start of the Watergate Scandal. On the other side of the Atlantic a worsening of the problems between the IRA and the British government see wrongs from both sides and innocent lives are lost.

·         Five White House operatives are arrested for burglarizing the offices of the Democratic National Committee the start of the Watergate Scandal.

·         The United States and Soviet Union sign the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty and an interim treaty after the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT I) take place during May. US President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev met in Moscow to negotiate arms control between the two nations. It was the first time a US president visited the Soviet Union since World War II. The ABM Treaty limited the US and USSR to 2 anti-ballistic missile complexes with 100 anti-ballistic missiles each. The SALT I agreement limited the numbers of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), and strategic ballistic missile launchers.

·         The OAO-3 Copernicus Satellite is launched. The Orbiting Astronomical Observatory 3 (OAO-3), or, Copernicus satellite is launched by NASA on August 21st, 1972. The satellite was created as a joint effort in astronomical research between the United States and the United Kingdom. OAO-3 carried a UV telescope that was built at Princeton and an X-Ray experiment created at University College London. The OAO-3 Copernicus satellite was considered to be the most successful of all four OAO missions, having made several scientific discoveries. It remained in operation until February of 1981.
NASA’s Space Shuttle Program is officially launched during January . President Nixon approved the program and announced its inception to the American public. The purpose of the program was to create a reusable spacecraft with the ultimate goal of reducing the cost of space exploration and making it more commonplace. The first fully functional space shuttle was the Columbia which completed its first mission in Apri l of 1981 after years of testing and development.

Phrases used by Old-er People that younger people might not understand

“Chrome Dome”

This is a playful reference to a bald man. Emerging from a time when colloquial language was rife with lighthearted insults, this term reflects the era’s humor and communication style. While it might sound harsh to younger ears, it was often used among friends in a teasing, affectionate manner.

Did you Know…?

Penguins Will Trade Pebbles For Sex

Penguins are not only adorable, but also can be held up as paragons of traditional family values. Believed to be mostly monogamous, penguins are the Puritans of the natural world. Except that sometimes, naughty penguins of various species will trade sex for rocks.

In the summer months of the Arctic, when penguins' nests are in danger of being flooded and destroyed, many females will look for extra rocks and pebbles to shore up their nests. Sometimes they target the nests of single males. Sensing the males' desperation, they'll offer a quick tryst for the trade of a pebble or two. Some ladies even only go so far as flirting before sneaking off with what they want. 

Historic Events

1886 – The Atlantic Telegraph Cable was laid between Ireland and Canada.

1921 – Insulin was first isolated by Dr. Frederick Banting.

1953 – The Korean War Armistice ended the Korean War.


Maya Rudolph, 52 TV Actress

Alex Rodriguez, 49 Baseball Player

Taylor Schilling, 40 TV Actress

75 – Maureen McGovern, American singer

76 – Peggy Fleming, American figure skater and sportscaster

 – Bobbie Gentry, American singer-songwriter



@70 – Keenan Wynn, American actor (died in 1986)

@101 – Norman Lear, American screenwriter and producer (died in 2023)

@86 – Jerry Van Dyke, American actor (died in 2018)


…The End for today…


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