July 22, 2024

23 Jul





Week 30 Day 205 Flag Today  82°/53°

Wind 3 mph Gusts 2 mph Light Breeze  

Active Fire:  146 miles away Risk of fire: Extreme Nearest Lightning: 14 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Partly Cloudy

Jul Averages: Temps: 82°\52° Moisture:  8 Days


Weekly Observations


Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) Education & Awareness Week

National Moth Week



Captive Nations Week
National Independent Retailers Week
National Zoo Keeper Week
Women in Baseball Week

Daily Observations

Fast of Tammuz   Link
Gorgeous Grandma Day
Hot Enough For Ya Day  
National Vanilla Ice Cream Day

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Day
Sprinkle Day
Yada, Yada, Yada Day

Today’s Quote                                                       


“July is a blind date with summer.” – Hal Borland


Today’s Meme


Today’s Thoughts

We are in the middle of a stalled monsoon. Nice. We need the moisture.

Internet is still hit or miss. Now they are saying it will be July 23 2:30pm before it is completely fixed. Frustrating for sure.

My dad was born today in 1916. He had a good life for 80 years and is still missed today.

Some new data was recently released regarding the most educated states. Colorado was #3. Arizona was ranked 38th. The study says AZ was so low because only 80% of the population are nurtured by parents who are fluent English speakers and AZ ranks 42nd in graduation rates. I spent my career working with 2nd language speakers on the Navajo Rez. It is sad to me that the funders of education (Federal and State) have refused for decades to push ESL instruction in public, Federal, and private schools. AZ should do better. I still have to remind people that being an Only English Speaker would be considered a disadvantage in most of the countries of the world.

 1971 was 53 years ago…

More News and Key Events From 1971

Gabrielle Choco Chanel

France Gabrielle Choco Chanel Fashion Designer and Icon dies at the age of 87


China is admitted to the United Nations UN

Ibrox disaster

Ibrox disaster in Scotland when On January 2nd 66 die in stairway crush at Rangers v Celtic football match

Nasdaq debuts

A new stock market index called the Nasdaq debuts

Sylmar earthquake

Sylmar earthquake hits the San Fernando Valley area of California.

Peru Earthquake

Peru Earthquake results in the destruction of the town of Chungar, Peru, and the death of most of the towns people

UK Decimalisation

Decimalisation in United Kingdom and Ireland both switch to decimal currency.

Thatcher The Milk Snatcher

Education Secretary Margaret Thatcher's ( "Thatcher The Milk Snatcher". ) ends free school milk for children over the age of seven in the UK

IRA Bombing

IRA Bomb Post Office Tower in London

Attica Prison Riots

Prison riot and prisoners take hostages at Attica Prison in New York, resulting in the death of 10 hostages and 29 inmates.

U.S. Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court upholds School Busing Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education 402 U.S


Women are granted the right to vote in Switzerland

Amtrak created

Amtrak created to provide US inter city passenger train services.


Mount Etna erupts

60% of Americans are against the war in Vietnam

Harris public opinion poll claims that 60% of Americans are against the war in Vietnam

Tsunami India

Tsunami in the Bay of Bengal in Orissa State in India kills 10,000.

"Ping Pong Diplomacy"

The US table tennis team visits to the People's Republic of China (PRC) known as "Ping Pong Diplomacy" on April 10th


Greenpeace formally comes into existence.

Federal Express

Federal Express is started by Fred Smith

Thousands protest UK

Thousands protest against the British government's new industrial relations Bill.


Australia and New Zealand Announce Pull Out Of Troops from Vietnam

Cigarette Advertising Ended

Cigarette Advertising Ended on Television in USA


A fatal stampede at Glasgow Soccer Game

90 day freeze on wages and prices

In an attempt to control inflation President Richard M. Nixon implements 90 day freeze on wages and prices, he also removed the gold/silver backing from the US Dollar

Idi Amin

Major General Idi Amin takes control of Uganda soon to become one of the worst and most notorious dictators of modern times

New Immigration Bill

Following Public Concern Over Immigration in the UK, a new Immigration Bill stops Commonwealth citizens automatic entry

National Public Radio (NPR)

Following on from the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, National Public Radio (NPR) broadcasts for the first time in April 1971

Northern Ireland

Problems in Northern Ireland continue as rioting increases as part of the IRA campaign to end British Government Rule.

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Gains Independence From Great Britain

Charles Manson

Charles Manson and three of his followers receive the death penalty


Phrases used by Old-er People that younger people might not understand

“Hang Loose”

To “hang loose” means to relax, let go, and live in the moment. The phrase is a reminder not to take things too seriously and emphasizes the laid-back attitude of the boomer generation. The phrase was commonly associated with Hawai’i and surf culture, often accompanied by a hand signal.

Did you Know…?

'The World's Loneliest Whale' Vocalizes At Its Own Frequency

In December 1992, acoustic technicians at the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station picked up an odd sound in the ocean. Although it sounded somewhat like a blue whale, it was registering at 52 hertz, rather than the more typical 15-39 hertz for the species. This whale, it appeared, was traversing the Pacific Ocean singing its own unique song

The technicians tracked the whale every year during its migrations. Nothing else seemed unique about its behavior, just the pitch of the song, and the fact the cetacean was always traveling alone. As more people began to hear about "52," it became known as "the world's loneliest whale." Other lonely souls sympathized with it. The whale has since inspired tattoos, songs, and even sculptures. 

More recently, some researchers believe 52 could be a blue whale/fin whale hybrid, which might account for its unique "voice" and solitary habits. As of 2014, 52 was still out there, singing its lonely song.

Historic Events

·         1827 – Francis Lieber, opened the first swimming school in the United States at the Boston Gymnasium.

·         1962 – Jackie Robinson became the first African American to be inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame.

·         1972 – The United States launched Landsat 1, the first Earth-resources satellite from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

·         1995 – Comet Hale–Bopp was discovered, and visible from Earth the following year.

·         2015 – NASA announced the discovery of Kepler-452b, possibly an Earth-like planet.

Birthdays with some quotes

Daniel Radcliffe, 34

Movie Actor

Marlon Wayans, 51

Movie Actor

Slash, 58


Woody Harrelson, 62

TV Actor


@77- Jon Landau (1960-2024)

Film Producer

@83 – Haile Selassie, Ethiopian emperor (died in 1975)

@81 – Arthur Treacher, English-American actor and television personality (died in 1975)

@79 – Don Imus, American radio host (died in 2019; lung disease)

@46 – Philip Seymour Hoffman, American actor (died in 2014; OD)


…The End for today…


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