July 31, 2024

1 Aug





Week 31 Day 214 Flag Today  92°/57°

Wind 1 mph Gusts 5 mph Light Breeze  

Active Fire:  149 miles away Risk of fire: Extreme Nearest Lightning: 196 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Partly Cloudy

Aug Averages: Temps: 79°\50° Moisture:  9 Days


Monthly Observations

American Adventures Month
American Artists Appreciation Month 
American History Essay Contest
(8/1 - 12/15) 
Arrr-gust: International Pirate Month  
Link Back to School Month Link

Black Business Month
Boomers Making A Difference Month
Bystander Awareness Month
Children's Eye Health & Safety Month

Weekly Observations


Games of the XXXIII Olympiad 2024

World Lumberjack Championships Link




Happiness Happens Week Link
International Clown Week 
National Cleanse Your Skin Week 
National Minority Donor Awareness Week

Simplify Your Life Week
World Breastfeeding Week Link

Daily Observations

Girlfriend's Day
India Pale Ale Beer Day  
International Alberino Day  
International Can-It-Forward Day   
Link (Mason Jars)
Lammas Day (Merry Loafmas)   
Lughnasa or Lughnasadh -  
Link Link
Mahjong Day
Minority Donor Awareness Day
National Mahjong Day   

National Minority Donor Awareness Day    National Spritz Day   Link
Raspberry Cream Pie Day
Respect For Parents
Rounds Resounding Day
Spider-Man Day  
US Air Force Day  
World Albarino Day   
World Lung Cancer Day
World Wide Web Day
World Scout Scarf Day

Today’s Quote                                                       


All that we are is the result of what we have thought. Buddha


Today’s Meme


Today’s Thoughts

I’m ready to start a new month, after all the craziness of July this year.

There are some clouds, but it is still hot and a very little breeze, with no moisture.

President Biden has proposed 3 supreme court reforms: Add term limits, a code of conduct, and a constitutional amendment to clarify immunity for crimes a former president may have committed while in office. All sound good to me, but I’m sure others will make this nearly impossible. At least Biden can start the ball rolling.

I’m still enjoying the Olympics. Swimming has been very good. Others seem bent of finding problems. It is not political. It is competition of athletes.

 1974 was 50 years ago…

  1. IRA begins bombing campaign on mainland Britain
  2. Richard Nixon becomes the first US president forced to resign after the Watergate Scandal
  3. Rumble in the Jungle--Boxing
  4. The Kootenai Native American Tribe in Idaho declares war on the United States
  5. Stephen King, a 26-year-old author, published his debut novel “Carrie,”
  6. President Gerald Ford gives unconditional pardon to Richard Nixon
  7. Lucy an almost complete hominid skeleton over 3 million years old is discovered in Ethiopia, Africa (I saw it on a Focus Trip)
  8. 55 MPH Speed Limit imposed to preserve gas usage US wide
  9. Sears Tower in Chicago becomes the world’s tallest building
  10. The Global Recession Deepens


Random Thoughts…

The political terms “Left-Wing” and “Right-Wing” are traced back to the French Revolution. It referred to the side of the assembly politicians sat. The Right was supportive of the King and upper class while the Left was supportive of the Revolution and the Lower Class.

The price of a bottle of Coca-Cola stayed at a nickel for over 70 years. As a result, vending machines only took nickels, and before raising prices to a dime the president of the company asked President Eisenhower to mint 7.5 cent coins to keep the increase reasonable.

American History…

4. Where did the pilgrims land in America

Incorrect: Plymouth Rock Correct: Unknown

According to The Washington Post, the only reason we currently think that Plymouth Rock is the spot where the pilgrims first touched U.S. soil is because 121 years after their arrival, "a young boy overheard 95-year-old Thomas Faunce relate that his father, who came to Plymouth three years after the Mayflower, told him he'd heard from unnamed persons that the landing occurred there."

So, it's a fact that's based on a rumor that's hundreds of years old. WaPo also notes that the English Puritan William Bradford failed to mention Plymouth Rock in his book Of Plymouth Plantation, which would be a pretty big oversight on his part if that was, in fact, where they landed.


Did you Know…?

Rhode Island Has More People Than Alaska

One might think that the smallest state in the union has few bragging rights over the largest state. However, Rhode Island has a higher population than does Alaska. Despite the fact that Alaska is 425 times larger than the smallest state, its people population is estimated to be only about 733,000. 

On the other hand, the population of Rhode Island was 1,095,610 as of July 2021. The land mass and population ratio means "Little Rhody" has more than 700 times more people per square mile than Alaska. But more importantly, which one has more moose? 

Historic Events

  • 1834 – Slavery was abolished in Jamaica
  • 1944 – The last entry for Anne Frank’s diary
  • 1969 – The Zodiac Killer’s letters arrived at several San Fransisco newspapers. The killer was never caught.
  • 1990 – Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau created the prototype HTML language and the World-Wide Web.



Jason Momoa, 44

Movie Actor

Jack O'Connell, 33

Movie Actor

Scottie Barnes, 22

Basketball Player


@53 – Jerry Garcia, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (died in 1995; heart attack)

@90 – Abdullah of Saudi Arabia (died in 2015)

@75 – Dom DeLuise, American actor (died in 2009; kidney failure)

@71 – Yves Saint Laurent, Algerian-French fashion designer, co-founded Yves Saint Laurent (died in 2008; brain cancer)

@72 – Herman Melville, American novelist, short story writer, and poet (died in 1891; cardiac dialation)

@68 – William Clark, American explorer, of Lewis & Clark (died in 1838)
@63 – Francis Scott Key, American author, and poet (died in 1843; pleurisy)


…The End for today…


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