July 04, 2024

5 Jul





Week 27 Day 187 Flag Today  90°/53°

Wind 7 mph Gusts 17 mph Fresh Breeze  

Active Fire:  69 miles away Risk of fire: Extreme Nearest Lightning: 492 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Partly Cloudy

Jul Averages: Temps: 82°\52° Moisture:  8 Days


Monthly Observations

National Anti-Boredom Month
Juvenille Arthritis Awareness Month 
National Baked Beans Month 

National Black Family Month
National Blueberries Month

Weekly Observations


International Lace Week   Link  


National Independent Living Week
National Unassisted Homebirth Week
4-10Freedom Week
National Marijuana Facts Week

Roswell UFO Days Link


National Wildland Firefighter Week of Remembrance

Tour de France  Link 

Daily Observations

Bikini Day
Big Tech Day  
Bikini Day  
Earth at Aphelion  
@ 1:06 am EST  Link

Mechanical Pencil Day
National Apple Turnover Day
National Graham Cracker Day

Thong Day  Link

Today’s Quote                                                        Today’s Meme


"All in all, it was a never-to-be-forgotten summer — one of those summers which come seldom into any life, but leave a rich heritage of beautiful memories in their going — one of those summers which, in a fortunate combination of delightful weather, delightful friends and delightful doing, come as near to perfection as anything can come in this world."

— L.M. Montgomery



Today’s Thoughts

Another hot day with no moisture in sight. I’ll be setting up my evap cooler this afternoon.

In case you hadn’t heard…The surfing competition of the Paris Olympics will take place in French Polynesia, Tahiti, in a couple of weeks. The 9750 miles between Paris and Tahiti sets a record for the longest distance between venues at the modern Olympics. Cool.

I just learned that Deb Haaland, Secretary of Interior and first Indigenous to head the Department was born in Winslow, AZ.

The July 4th snap election in UK to select officials seems just a tad ironic.

Flag hasn’t had fireworks in decades due to the fire danger, so I will be having a cookout with friends tonight.

 1966 was 58 years ago…

Yearly Inflation Rate USA 3.01%

Year End Close Dow Jones 785

Average Cost of new house $14,200.00

Average Income per year $6,900.00 -

Average Cost of a new car $2,650.00 -

Average Monthly Rent $120.00

Cost of a gallon of Gas 32 cents

Dishwasher $119.95

Parker Pen Set $11.95

Toothpaste Crest 50 cents

Origin of common phrases

Kangaroo court

"Kangaroo court" goes back to the 19th-century U.S. frontier days, when roaming judges tried legal cases. They were paid by the trial, and a kangaroo court refers to the image of them hopping from case to case to try as many as possible.

False Facts about religions

The Bible Condemns Homosexuality Unequivocally

The Bible never makes an explicit mention of homosexuality as a sin. Even the punishment given to Sodom and Gomorrah was due to a combination of factors like sexual immorality, violent crimes, and a lack of hospitality. Different denominations of Christianity have their own interpretations of the Bible that they follow.

Birthdays with some quotes

73 – Huey Lewis, singer

66 – Bill Watterson, American author, illustrator (Calvin and Hobbs)

“The truth is, most of us discover where we are headed when we arrive.”

61 – Edie Falco, American actress

59 – Kathryn Erbe, American actress

56 – RZA, American rapper

40 – Danay Garcia, Cuban actress

38 – Adam ‘Owl City’ Young, American singer- songwriter and composer


@94 – A. E. Douglass, American astronomer (d. 1962)

@83 – Shirley Knight, American actress (d. 2020)

@82 – Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., American colonel and politician (d. 1985)

“Beware how you trifle with your marvelous inheritance, this great land of ordered liberty, for if we stumble and fall, freedom and civilization everywhere will go down in ruin.”

@80 – P.T. ‘Phineas Taylor’ Barnum, American businessman, co-founded Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus (d. 1891)

“Fortune always favors the brave, and never helps a man who does not help himself.”

@74 – Jean Cocteau, French novelist, poet, playwright (d. 1963)

“One must not mistake majority for truth.”

@69 – Michael Blake, American author, screenwriter (d. 2015)

@61 – Thomas Hooker, English-born founder of the Colony of Connecticut (d.1647; influenza)

@53 – Warren Oates, American actor (d. 1982; heart attack)

@53 – Smiley Lewis (Overton Amos Lemons), American singer-songwriter, guitarist (d. 1966; cancer)

@34 – Mac Dre, American rapper and producer (d.2004; gunshot)



…The End for today…


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