July 29, 2024

30 Jul





Week 31 Day 212 Flag Today  88°/52°

Wind 6 mph Gusts 9 mph Light Breeze  

Active Fire:  96 miles away Risk of fire: High  Nearest Lightning: 360 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine

Jul Averages: Temps: 82°\52° Moisture:  8 Days

Weekly Observations


National Tequila Week Link


Games of the XXXIII Olympiad 2024

Daily Observations

Cheesecake Day  Link 
Father-In-Law Day
Friendship Day  
Link Link Link Link Link 
Health Care Now!  Medicare's Birthday   
International Day of Friendship  Link 
International Tiger Day
National Chicken and Waffles Day
National Chicken Wing Day

National Lipstick Day
National Share A Hug Day
National Whistleblowers Appreciation Day   
Paperback Book Day
Rain Day
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Today’s Quote                                                       


“July is hollyhocks and hammocks, fireworks and vacations, hot and steamy weather, cool and refreshing swims, beach picnics, and vegetables all out of the garden—first sweet corn on the cob dripping with butter, first tomatoes dead ripe, and the sun warm, string beans, squash, crisp cucumbers.” – Jean Hersey


Today’s Meme


Today’s Thoughts

I am so enjoying the Olympics. Some great competitions for sure.

Someone just released a study of bald eagles in the US. Alaska has the most pairs at 30,000; Colorado has 200 pairs, and AZ has 65 pairs. A great recovery from my youth. Protection works. Yeah!


 1973 was 51 years ago…

Yearly Inflation Rate USA 6.16%

Yearly Inflation Rate UK 8.4%

Average Cost of new house $32,500.00

Average Income per year $12,900.00

Average Monthly Rent $175.00

Cost of a gallon of Gas 40 cents

Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 850

AMC Javelin car$2,900.00

A Dozen Eggs 45 cents

Ford Galaxie 500 $3,883

Pork Roast Lb 59 cents

Mortons TV Dinner 36 cents

Walkie Talkie Sets $13.88

Dozen Medium Eggs 25 cents

Component-type 8-track stereo tape player $44.50

Crock pot Cooker $17.79

Mens Paisley Slacks $23.49

Mod Wall Clock $150.00

Lake Cottage 400 ft lot on white river 2 bedroom cottage and boathouse OshKosh, Wisconsin $28,000

American History…NEW!

What city was the first capital of the United States

Correct: New York City

The Big Apple—where George Washington made the first inaugural address on April 30, 1789—was the location of the country's first capital. And Washington and New York aren't alone when it comes to the national honor. Other cities that have served as the capital at one time or another include Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Baltimore, Maryland; Lancaster, Pennsylvania (for just 24 hours!); York, Pennsylvania; Princeton, New Jersey; Annapolis, Maryland; and Trenton, New Jersey.

Did you Know…?

Hippos Are The Deadliest Mammals

Lions, rhinos, and even elephants are all deadly in their own right. When you think of their teeth, horns, tusks, or size, you might guess that any one of them was the deadliest animal in Africa. Instead, that trophy goes to the hippopotamus. Not only are hippos the deadliest animals on that continent, but they're the deadliest mammals in the world (aside from humans).

It's estimated hippos kill around 500 humans every year, nearly twice the number of victims lions might claim. Although they are herbivores, hippos are known to attack when they feel threatened - such as when a human is in their territory. With lower canines that can grow more than a foot long, it's no wonder that one bite is all that's needed to kill a human.


Historic Events

  • 1945 – The USS Indiana was torpedoed and sank. Only 318 of 1,196 crewmen survived.
  • 1954 – The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien was published.
  • 1958 – NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) was established.



Arnold Schwarzenegger, 77 Politician

Movie Actor

Terry Crews, 56 TV Actor

Lisa Kudrow, 61 TV Actress

Gina Rodriguez, 40 TV Actress

Hilary Swank, 50 Movie Actress

Vivica A. Fox, 60 Movie Actress

Christopher Nolan, 54 Director

Paul Anka, 83 Pop Singer



@83 – Henry Ford, American engineer and businessman, founded the Ford Motor Company (died in 1947)

@85 – Casey Stengel, American baseball player and manager (died in 1975)

@96 – Henry W. Bloch, American banker and businessman, co-founded H&R Block (died in 2019)


…The End for today…


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