July 02, 2024

3 Jul





Week 27 Day 185 Flag Today  87°/56°

Wind 7 mph Gusts 12 mph Gentle Breeze  

Active Fire:  132 miles away Risk of fire: Extreme Nearest Lightning: 14 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Partly Cloudy

Jul Averages: Temps: 82°\52° Moisture:  8 Days


Monthly Observations

Fuel Safety Month  Link
Get Ready For Kindergarten Month
Hemochromatosis Screening Awareness Month 

Herbal/Prescription Interaction Awareness Month
Independent Retailer Month 

Weekly Observations


International Lace Week   Link  


National Independent Living Week
National Unassisted Homebirth Week

6/27 -7/4

National Prevention of Eye Injuries Awareness
Fireworks Safety Week

National Wildland Firefighter Week of Remembrance

Tour de France  Link 

Tom Sawyer Days

Daily Observations

American Redneck Day
 Your Mirror Day
Disobedience Day
Drop A Rock Day  Link  (aka Rock Painting)

National Chocolate Wafer Day
International Plastic Bag Free Day

National Compliment Your Mirror Day

National Crown Day (aka Black Hair Independence Day)

National Eat Your Beans Day
National Fried Clam Day
National Independent Beer Run Day
Plastic Bag Free Day
Stay Out of the Sun Day
Superman Day  Link

Today’s Quote                                                        Today’s Meme


"If summer had one defining scent, it'd definitely be the smell of barbecue."

— Katie Lee



Today’s Thoughts

Another warm day…hoping the monsoon moves in soon.

Andy & Faith are getting solar power. They are out of town, so I helped the survey guy with visit. I only unlocked garage doors, he did all the climbing and photographing. I must say, he flew a drone over the property for pictures. That was very interesting. For me, it was 45 minutes well spent.

I have been watching the Press Conference. It is sad to see the Press Secretary spinning and spinning. I hoped for more.

The weather guy says it is going to hot the rest of the week. Darn.

 1965 was 59 years ago…

Canada - Maple leaf

The Maple leaf becomes Canada's new national flag symbol

Rhodesia / Zimbabwe - independence

Rhodesia Declares Unilateral Independence From Great Britain and becomes Zimbabwe

India and Pakistan Fighting

India and Pakistan Fighting continues to escalate

UK -- Ronnie Biggs

Great Train Robber Ronnie Biggs escapes from Wandsworth Prison and flees to Brazil.

U.S. -- Pope Paul VI

Pope Paul VI becomes the first Pope to visit the United States

UK -- Continental Shelf Act

Following the UK Continental Shelf Act ( 1964 ) The BP's Sea Gem rig finds gas in the West Sole field , the first major oil find did not occur until 1970 with the discovery of the Forties oil field

United States - Hurricane Betsy

Hurricane Betsy makes landfall in the Bahamas, Florida and Louisiana causing $1 billion dollars worth of Damage

U.S. -- Malcolm X

Malcolm X shot in New York

UK - Race Relations Act

Britain brings in a new Race Relations Act hoping to stop some of the unrest in inner cities

UK -- Cigarette advertising

Cigarette advertising banned on Television in Britain

UK -- Post Office Tower

The Post Office Tower opens in London

Australia - Vietnam War

Australia Joins Vietnam War

India - Hindi

Hindi becomes the official language of India.

U.S. Jim Clark

Racing driver Jim Clark wins the Indianapolis 500, and later wins the Formula One world driving championship in the same year.

U.S. - Troop Increase South Vietnam

Lyndon B. Johnson announces increase the number of United States troops in South Vietnam from 75,000 to 125,000

U.S. -- Medicare

Lyndon B. Johnson announces his program to create Medicare and to expand his war on poverty

U.S. - Palm Sunday Tornado Outbreak

The Palm Sunday Tornado Outbreak on April 13th : An estimated fifty-one tornadoes (forty-seven confirmed) hit in six Midwestern states killing anywhere from 256 to 271 people and injuring some 1,500 more.

UK - 70 mph speed limit

70 mph speed limit imposed on British roads

U.S. - Higher Education Act of 1965

Higher Education Act of 1965 is signed into law providing low-interest loans for students in higher education.

Civil War in Dominican Republic

US Citizens Evacuated due to Civil War in Dominican Republic


Following attempted coup by communists in Indonesia lead to the murder of over half million people and a transition to the new order led by Major General Suharto.

Vietnam - Operation Rolling Thunder

Operation Rolling Thunder Launched In Vietnam on June 15th

U.S. - Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet Gains controlling interest in Berkshire-Hathaway 1965 ( $18.00 per share ) in 2008 ( $150,000 per share )

U.S. - Civil Rights

Troopers violently confront civil rights marchers in Alabama

Cuba - US Airlift

US begins airlift of Cubans wishing to leave Cuba and live in America


Origin of common phrases

Jump on the bandwagon

To "jump on the bandwagon," or to adopt an idea once it is successful or popular, stems from early America when musicians rode in a wagon on their way to a parade or rally, and people would rush to follow.

False Facts about religions

Karma Is About Punishment and Reward

Karma originates from Hinduism, where it’s referred to as the ‘Rig Veda’ and is said to carry over into the next life. But, while many think of it as a reward or punishment for our actions, karma is only about simple cause and effect—a law of consequences that aims to promote balance and harmony in the universe.

Historic Events

1608 – Quebec, Canada was founded by Samuel de Champlain. The name came from the Native American word “kebec” meaning ‘where the river narrows’

1775 – George Washington took command of the Continental Army

1819 – The Bank for Savings in the City of New-York, the first(?) savings bank in the United States, opened.

1852 – Congress established the United States’ 2nd mint in San Francisco.

1863 – The final day of the Battle of Gettysburg culminates with Pickett’s Charge (US Civil War)

1952 – The Constitution of Puerto Rico was approved by the United States Congress

Birthdays with some quotes


83 – Lamar Alexander, American lawyer and politician

83 – Gloria Allred, American lawyer and activist

77 – Dave Barry, American comedic journalist and author

“You can only be young once but you can be immature forever.”

66 – Aaron Tippin, American singer-songwriter

62 – Tom Cruise, American actor

53 – Julian Assange, Australian journalist, publisher, and activist, founded WikiLeaks

“What are the differences between Mark Zuckerberg and me? I give private information on corporations to you for free, and I’m a villain. Zuckerberg gives your private information to corporations for money and he’s Man of the Year.”


@84 – Ken Russell, English actor, director, producer (d. 2011)

@79 – Judith Durham, Australian folk-pop singer-songwriter and musician (d. 2022)

@69 – William Henry Davies, Welsh poet and writer (d.1940)

@64 – George M. Cohan, American songwriter, actor, singer, and dancer (d. 1942; bladder cancer)

“Don’t tell ’em – SHOW ’em!”

“I don’t care what you say about me, as long as you say something about me, and as long as you spell my name right”

@65 – George Sanders, Russian-born British actor (d. 1972; suicice)

@52 – Laura Branigan, American singer-songwriter (d. 2004; stroke)

@40 – Franz Kafka, Czech-Austrian author (d. 1924; TB)

“Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.”



…The End for today…


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