July 28, 2024

29 Jul





Week 31 Day 211 Flag Today  85°/58°

Wind 7 mph Gusts 17 mph Fresh Breeze   

Active Fire:  97 miles away Risk of fire: Extreme Nearest Lightning: 252 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine

Jul Averages: Temps: 82°\52° Moisture:  8 Days


Weekly Observations


National Tequila Week Link


Games of the XXXIII Olympiad 2024

Daily Observations

Army Chaplain Corps Anniversary   Link
Global Tiger Day
International Butler Day  
International Chicken Wing Day  
International Tiger Day   

Lasagna Day
National Chicken Wing Day  
National Lipstick Day  

Rain Day  Link

Today’s Quote                                                       


“Summers are incomplete without July,

and July can’t breathe without summers.”

– Anonymous


Today’s Meme


Today’s Thoughts

A dry and very breezy day. Great for watching the Olympics.

I did the top-of-the-line car wash this morning. My ride is now all bright and shiny again. Last week’s monsoon sure took the shine off my vehicle.

The current almost do-nothing Congress has told Tic Tok to remove the American app from the Chinese home provider. The President has banned Tic Tok on any government-owned phone. Saying that private information on that app goes to the Chinese government. My question is why are Biden, Trump, Harris, and some Senators and Reps using Tic Tok as part of their ad campaigns, posting short vidoes all the time?  Either it is dangerous or it isn’t.

 1973 was 51 years ago…

1)   The United States ends its involvement in the Vietnam War after the signing of the Paris Peace Accords

2)   OPEC oil to increase by 200%

3)   Secretariat becomes the first horse since Citation in 1948 to win the Triple Crown

4)   Alaska Oil Pipeline bill is passed to allow construction of a pipeline to access oil from the North Slope of Alaska

5)   Supreme Court of the United States rules on Roe v. Wade.

6)   Cod War UK and Iceland,

7)   Three-Day Week put in place in the UK,

8)   Sydney Opera House is opened

9)   Yom Kippur War and Oil Embargo

10)        UK inflation rate running at 8.4% and the US running at 6.16%


Phrases used by Old-er People that younger people might not understand

“Getting Fried”
Boomers would use this phrase to describe getting high on drugs or being very drunk. It represents the casual and often hedonistic attitudes toward substance use of the era. However, the saying is less common in today’s vernacular, reflecting changing attitudes toward drug use.

Did you Know…?

Eating Polar Bear Liver Can Poison Humans

Liver is rich in nutrients and healthy fats. For centuries, it has been a staple of many diets. But, if you're ever starving in the Arctic and the opportunity presents itself, you should not eat the liver of a polar bear. 

Western explorers found this out the hard way. Accounts dating back to 1596 document alarming illness people suffered after consuming polar bear liver, with symptoms including vomiting, severe headache, blurry vision, and bone pain. Less fortunate victims also experienced peeling skin, from mild flaking to full-on peeling that left the bottom layers bloody. Extreme cases resulted in liver damage, coma, and even death.

This was likely caused by high amounts of retinol, a form of vitamin A, found in the liver, resulting in acute hypervitaminosis A. Because the human body can't process vitamin A like many other nutrients (getting rid of excess through urination), the nutrient ends up accumulating in the liver. Too much too fast, and the liver can't process the vitamin quickly enough, creating toxicity. For the record, if you're abandoned in the Arctic, also avoid the livers of seals and huskies.

Historic Events

  • 1945 – The USS Indiana was torpedoed and sank. Only 318 of 1,196 crewmen survived.
  • 1954 – The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien was published.
  • 1958 – NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) was established.



Fernando Alonso, 42

Race Car Driver

Dak Prescott, 30

Football Player

Wil Wheaton, 51

TV Actor

Josh Radnor, 49

TV Actor

Martina McBride, 57

Country Singer

Tim Gunn, 71

Television host and actor

@60 Clara Bow (1905-1965; heart attack)

Movie Actress

@61 Benito Mussolini (1883-1945; executed)

World Leader

– William Powell, American actor (died in 1984)

 – ‘Professor’ Irwin Corey, American comedian and actor (died in 2017)



…The End for today…


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