July 30, 2024

31 July





Week 31 Day 213 Flag Today  88°/52°

Wind 5 mph Gusts 14 mph Gentle Breeze

Active Fire:  96 miles away Risk of fire: High  Nearest Lightning: 318 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine

Jul Averages: Temps: 82°\52° Moisture:  8 Days


Weekly Observations


Games of the XXXIII Olympiad 2024


Daily Observations

National Avocado Day   Link
National Cotton Candy Day
National Jump for Jelly Beans Day

National #Love Day   Link

National Mutt Day   Link  
National Orgasm Day   
Uncommon Instruments Awareness Day   
World Ranger Day  Link

Today’s Quote                                                       


“You open your eyes first time in July to fly like a free bird, so fly high and never look down.” – Anonymous


Today’s Meme


Today’s Thoughts

Another warm and dry day. Fire risk is becoming a issue for our forest. I hope August brings more monsoon.

I’m enjoying watching the Olympics. So inspirational.

Today is primary voting day. First, I am sick of the ads already. I headed to the Subaru dealership to vote. Last time, a few months ago, it was up two flights of stairs and down a very long hallway. Not an easy walk as I was still using a cane. Today it was on the first floor with basically no walk. I told the first guy how happy I was to have it so close. He said they got a lot of complaints during the last election so they fixed it. I told him to pass on my thanks. There were 8 races on the ballot. Most only had one candidate from my party. I still gave them my vote.

Andy and Faith are still in Phoenix and Mary is still at her beach house. I’m doing lunch with 2 other Tuba people on Thursday. John and I both applied for the supervisor job at Tuba and the principal wanted ‘fresh blood’, so John got the job. Years later he went back to the classroom, and I got the supervisor job from the same principal. His wife had just finished her teaching degree and I was Maree’s supervisor while at Tuba. We became friends and haven’t done lunch for a few years. They have 3 grown daughters and more grandkids than I can count. It should be a good lunch and great catching up.

 1973 was 51 years ago…

·         OPEC oil to increase by 200%

Arab members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), announce they will restrict flow of crude oil to countries supporting Israel on October 17 causing price of oil to increase by 200%

Recession begins in Europe following OPEC Oil price increases

·         United States - Secretariat Triple Crown

Secretariat becomes the first horse since Citation in 1948 to win the Triple Crown in United States horse racing after placing first in the Belmont Stakes on June 9 News Events, 1973. In what was considered one of the best horse races in history, Secretariat set a dirt-track record for the one and a half mile race with a time of 2 minutes and 24 seconds. He was ridden by Ron Turcotte during the race and he won the race by an astounding 31 lengths. He was trained by Lucien Laurin and his owner was Penny Tweedy.

·         Alaska Oil Pipeline

Alaska Oil Pipeline bill is passed to allow construction of a pipeline to access oil from the North Slope of Alaska

·         Roe v. Wade

Supreme Court of the United States rules on Roe v. Wade. January 22nd

Roe v. Wade makes abortion a US constitutional right

·         Wounded Knee

More Information for the Occupation of Wounded Knee

About 200 Oglala Lakota Native Americans and members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) began their occupation of Wounded Knee in South Dakota during February of 1973. AIM, a militant civil rights organization, was created in the late 1960s with the intention of bringing attention to injustices faced by Native Americans. Wounded Knee was located on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and in 1890 it was the site of a massacre of 300 unarmed Sioux by the U.S. Cavalry. At the start of their occupation AIM took 11 hostages and asked that The U.S. Government start investigating broken treaties, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and all of the South Dakota Sioux reservations. The occupation lasted 71 days during which they negotiated with U.S. Marshals and exchanged regular gunfire with federal agents. In May the group surrendered and government officials agreed to start investigations as demanded.

·         United States -- Vice President Agnew Resigns

Spiro Agnew, the Vice President of the United States under Richard Nixon, resigned during October of 1973. Agnew had been dealing with charges of tax evasion and receiving bribes prior to his resignation. After he left office he pleaded no contest to the criminal charges and was fined and given probation. He was replaced by Gerald Ford, who, less than a year later, would become the President after Nixon resigned. Spiro Agnew was the second US Vice President to resign, the first for criminal reasons.

·         United States -- Battle of the Sexes Tennis Match

Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs competed in “The Battle of the Sexes” exhibition tennis match during September of 1973.

29-year-old King, who had already won 10 Grand Slam titles and was a pioneer in women’s tennis, went up against 55-year-old Riggs, who was at one point considered the best tennis player in the world, and defeated him handily winning three sets 6-4, 6-3, and 6-3.

King expressed relief at the end of the match, stating that she was worried losing it would have set women back.

She also took home the $100,000 prize.

Over 30,000 spectators attended it in Houston and an estimated 90 million people viewed the televised match worldwide, making it the most viewed tennis match in history.

American History…

When was the Declaration of Independence signed

Incorrect: July 4, 1776Correct: Aug. 2, 1776

While the Second Continental Congress initially met in Philadelphia to discuss the country's future on July 1, 1776 and declared America's independence from England on July 2, the final draft of the Declaration of Independence document wasn't finished until July 4—and wasn't actually signed until Aug. 2 of that year. Today, we celebrate the day the document's text was finalized. Though if you wanted to throw a barbecue on Aug. 2, surely no one would (or could) complain.


Did you Know…?

Kangaroos Are Incapable Of Jumping Backward

Kangaroos are known for their powerful bottom halves. They have large feet, strong tails, and powerful legs that can propel them to jump approximately 30 feet.

Despite their strength, these athletic marsupials cannot jump backward. They can't even walk backward. Their long, muscular tails and feet prevent them from being able to move in that direction. They cannot move their feet independently either, meaning they can only hop to their destinations. 


Historic Events

  • 1790 – The United States Patent Office opened
  • 1792 – The cornerstone of the first US Federal Building was laid, the Philadelphia Mint
  • 1948 – Idlewild Field in New York, New York International Airport (later renamed John F. Kennedy International Airport) was dedicated.
  • 1989 – Game Boy released, video game
  • 1991 – The United States and Soviet Union both sign the START I Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
  • 2006 Cuba’s leader Fidel Castro handed over power to his brother, Raúl.



J.K. Rowling, 59

Young Adult Author

AJ Green, 36

Football Player

Mark Cuban, 66


Rico Rodriguez, 26

TV Actor

Zac Brown, 46

Country Singer

Wesley Snipes, 62

Movie Actor

Joey Richter, 35

TV Actor


@90 – Marion Talbot, influential American educator (d. 1948)

@94 – Milton Friedman, American economist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2006)

@86 – Curt Gowdy, American sportscaster and actor (d. 2006)

@46 – Ted Cassidy, American actor (d. 1979; tumor on heart)



…The End for today…


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