June 08, 2024

9 Jun




Week 24  Day 160 Flag Today  90°/49°

Wind 3 mph Gusts 7 mph

Active Fire:  285 miles away Risk of fire Extreme

Nearest Lightning: 367 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Partly Cloudy

Jun Averages: Temps: 80°\43° Moisture:  1 Day






Happy Sunday

Monthly Observations

National Steakhouse Month
National Zoo and Aquarium Month
Oral Health Month Link 
Outdoor Marketing Month

Perennial Gardening Month
Pharmacists Declare War on Alcoholism Month
Potty Training Awareness Month
Professional Wellness Month

Weekly Observations


National Lemonade Days Link

Bedbug Awareness Week Link 
Zoot Suit Week

Superman Days Link


National Police and Fire Championships  Link

World Sea Turtle Week Link

National Flag Week
National Pet Wedding Week Link

Daily Observations

Abused Women & Children's Awareness Day
Best Friends Day
Chicken Tetrazzini Day
Children's Sunday
Corn on the Cob Day 11
Coral Triangle Day
Donald Duck Day  (Birthday) 
International Archives Day

International Celtic Art Day

Jelly-filled Doughnut Day
Multicultural American Child Day

National Archives Day
National Earl Baltes Day   
Race Unity Day
Toy Industry Day
World Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome Day 

Today’s Quote                                                        Today’s Meme


"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time."

— John Lubbock


Today’s Thoughts

I’m hoping the few clouds keep our town from setting any heat records today.

I’m sending condolences to the family and friends of long-time reader Ron, who passed last month.

I’m happy that 4 Israeli hostages were rescued but saddened that there were also 200 civilians killed during the rescue.


Indigenous People to Know


John Herrington

When the STS-113 Endeavour launched from Kennedy Space Center in November 2002, it carried the first Indigenous American into space. John Herrington carried the Chickasaw Nation flag, a traditional flute, and a few other personal items with him. His journey has seen him as a naval officer, a NASA astronaut, and on the big screen, in the IMAX movie "Into America's Wild." With a passion for Indigenous oral storytelling and a love for science, Herrington travels the world to tell his stories from the stars. He wants to encourage more Indigenous youth to get into the STEM fields and reclaim their ancestral legacy of engineering, astronomy, and science.

Origin of common phrases


Happy as a clam

The phrase is believed to have originally been "happy as a clam at high tide," popular in the early 1800s in the Northeast. It refers to the fact that clams are dug up in low tide but unreachable and safe from human harvest at high tide.

Historic Events


·         1934 – Donald Duck debuted in The Wise Little Hen.

·         1959 – The first nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, the USS George Washington was launched.

·         1973 – Secretariat won the US Triple Crown (The Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, and Belmont Stakes).


Birthdays with some quotes


63 – Michael J. Fox, Canadian-American actor

“The more I expect, the more unhappy I am going to be. The more I accept, the more serene I am.”

61 – Johnny Depp, American actor

“You can close your eyes to the things you don’t want to see, but you can’t close your heart to the things you don’t want to feel.”

43 – Natalie Portman, Israeli-American actress

“When you get older, you realize it’s a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It’s not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself.”

@94 – Les Paul (Lester William Polsfuss), American guitarist, songwriter (d. 2009)

@93 – Jackie Mason, American comedian and actor (d. 2021)

“Honesty is nothin’ compared to decency.”

@84 – Fred Waring, American singer, bandleader, television host (d. 1984)

@73 – Cole Porter, American composer, songwriter (d. 1964; kidney failure)

@52 – Peter the Great, Russian emperor (d. 1725; gangrene)

“It is my great desire to reform my subjects, and yet I am ashamed to confess that I am unable to reform myself.”

@25 – Johnny Ace (John Marshall Alexander Jr.), American singer, pianist (d. 1954; shot himself while drinking)


…The End for today…


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