June 01, 2024

2 Jun




Week 23  Day 154 Flag Today  82°/44°

Wind 7 mph Gusts 20 mph

Active Fire:  57 miles away Risk of fire: Extreme

Nearest Lightning: 347 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Windy

Jun Averages: Temps: 80°\43° Moisture:  1 Day






Monthly Observations

California Avocado Month  Link
Cancer From The Sun Month
Caribbean-American Heritage Month
Cataract Awareness Month

Celibacy Awareness Month 
Child Vision Awareness Month
Children's Awareness Month

Weekly Observations


National Seat Belt Reinforcement Week Link

National Marina Days Link

Black Single Parents Week

Women's Golf Day Link




National Lemonade Days Link

International Clothesline Week
Black Single Parents Week 
End Mountain Top Removal Week
National Business Etiquette Week 
National Dog Bite Prevention Week (Post Office) 
National Headache Awareness Week Link  
National Trailer Safety Week Link
Theater Understudy Appreciation Week


Bedbug Awareness Week Link 

Daily Observations

Children's Awareness Memorial Day   
Leave The Office Early Day
National Bubba Day
National Animal Rights Day  
National Cancer Survivors Day  

National Gun Violence Awareness Day
National Rotisserie Chicken Day  
St. Erasmus Day
Yell "Fudge" at the Cobras in North America Day  

Today’s Quote                                                        Today’s Meme


Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought. John F. Kennedy



Today’s Thoughts

It’s a windy day. Not a surprise for June.

I cleaned my bedroom then changed the linens. That’s enough for one day.

I neglected to mention in yesterday’s post that in Navajo Country, June 1 is known as Treaty Day…based on the 1868 treaty. That treaty, among other things,  set up education and medical care for the Rez…including schools, clinics, and hospitals. It allowed Tuba Boarding and others to open in 1868.

Vlad, our Trans-Siberian guide just published his first musical work, titled ‘Winter’. A great accomplishment for sure. When I find a site that has it, I’ll post it here.

Biden has announced a 3-phrase plan to end the Gaza War. Both sides say it might be the first right step. As Alexander Pope said: “Hope springs eternal…”.

Indigenous People to Know

Mildred Loving

Many Americans will have heard of Mildred Loving, as she and her husband (and co-plaintiff) Richard battled the ban against interracial marriage in the super-charged case of Loving v. Virginia. What many Americans may not know is that Mildred Loving was of Black and Indigenous descent (Rappahannock Tribe). The Lovings took their case to the Supreme Court in 1967 and won, legalizing interracial marriage across the nation. In order to exclusively focus on the white–Black binary that was dominating American discourse around race, coverage of the Loving v. Virginia case—as well as the 2016 film "Loving"—left out Mildred Loving's multiracial heritage.

Origin of common phrases

Cute as a bug's ear

"Cute as a bug's ear" was used in the 1800s—and is thought to have originated in Texas—to describe someone adorable. It may have started out with the word acute, referring to insects' ability to react quickly. It's often shortened to cute as a bug.

Historic Events


Confederate soldiers yielded to Federal troops in Galveston, Texas, marking the end of one of the final land operations of the American Civil War.


Frances Folsom, age 21, married U.S. President Grover Cleveland in the White House and became the youngest first lady in American history.


Some six months after abdicating the British throne, Prince Edward, duke of Windsor (formerly Edward VIII), married American socialite Wallis Simpson (who became duchess of Windsor).


Pro-democracy protest in Tiananmen Square crushed by Chinese military.

On this day in 1989, the Chinese government called in the military to put down a pro-democracy demonstration carried out by more than 100,000 people in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, resulting in hundreds of deaths.


56- Andy Cohen, TV show host

52 – Wentworth Miller, actor

52 – Wayne Brady, actor

46 – Justin Long, actor

@70 – Martha Washington, 1st lady (d.1802)


…The End for today…


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