June 27, 2024

28 Jun




Week 26  Day 180 Flag Today  87°/67°

Wind 7 mph Gusts 14 mph Moderate Breeze

Active Fire:  218 miles away Risk of fire: Moderate  Nearest Lightning: 18 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Partly Cloudy

Jun Averages: Temps: 80°\43° Moisture:  1 Day





Weekly Observations



National Lemonade Days Link

Lightning Safety Awareness Week Link 
Carpenter Ant Awareness Week 
Fish Are Friends, Not Food! Week
Windjammer Days  Link
National Tire Safety Week  Link 

27 -7/4

National Prevention of Eye Injuries Awareness 27-30 

Watermelon Thump Seed Spitting Week Link   
Water Ski Days  Link
Fireworks Safety Week

Daily Observations

Ceviche Day

Drive Your Corvette to Work Day  Link  
International Body Piercing Day
International Lightning Safety Day


International Rose' Day  Link 
National Food Truck Day    
National Logistics Day  
International Parrot Head Day   
Tapioca Day
Tau Day   

Today’s Quote                                                        Today’s Meme


"Summer is the annual permission slip to be lazy. To do nothing and have it count for something. To lie in the grass and count the stars. To sit on a branch and study the clouds."

— Regina Brett



Today’s Thoughts

I had a weird incident the other day and I’m still trying to understand it. When I worked at Red Lake, we were like a family. I knew the staff and their families. In my 15 years there I watched many of their children grow up and graduate. My secretary is one who I have remained in contact with on Facebook. After writing but before posting the blog about my friend KB, I got a friend request from one of my former secretary’s son who is now in his late 40’s. I accepted it and got a message from in right away. He was asking about what I knew about end-stage kidney disease. I said I didn’t know much. He said he has been on dialysis for the past 5 years. He gets his treatments in Flagstaff, so I doubt he knows KB. This seems very weird since KB is in hospice for the same thing, I haven’t seen or heard from my former secretary’s son since I left Red Lake and had posted nothing about KB. Mystery remains.

The Supreme Court seems to be side-stepping several big issues for Americans. For all the negative publicity the court has been receiving, this is not helping their importance to our country.

 1964 was 60 years ago…

The Warren Commission report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy concludes Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone


1. President John F. Kennedy is shot and killed on November 22nd, 1963 while visiting Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald.


2. On November 29th, 1963, only a week after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, President Lyndon B. Johnson creates the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy.


3. Chief Justice Earl Warren is appointed to head the commission and they were tasked with investigating the death of President Kennedy.


4. The Warren Commission, as it was called, spent nearly a whole year traveling to Dallas, listening to witnesses, examining government reports and looking into the alleged shooter's background.


5. On September 24th, the report was presented to President Johnson and then on September 27th, 1964 it was released to the public.


6. The report concluded that the gunman Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone with an unknown motive in assassinating President Kennedy and the Jack Ruby had acted alone in his murder of the suspect Oswald.


7. It was also reported that the Secret Service had not made adequate preparations for the president's Dallas visit.


8. The results proved to be somewhat controversial as there was some conflicting evidence and many people believed in different conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination such as there were multiple shooters involved or that foreign governments arranged the assassination.

Origin of common phrases


Have a conniption

To "have a conniption" is to throw a fit or tantrum. It comes from the South, where some think it's a version of the word corruption, as in someone being corrupted by the devil.

Historic Events


·         1838 – The Coronation of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

·         1855 – Sigma Chi fraternity is founded in North America.

·         1894 – Labor Day became an official US holiday.

·         2007 - Apple Inc. releases its first mobile phone, the iPhone


Birthdays with some quotes

98 – Mel Brooks, comedian, director

86 – John Byner, American comedic actor

76 – Kathy Bates, American actress

“I want to be defined by my own essence.”

63 – John Elway, Bronco QB

58 – John Cusack, American actor

53 – Elon Musk, South African-born American businessman

“Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.”

39 – Kellie Pickler, American singer-songwriter

35 – Markiplier (Mark Edward Fischbach), American internet personality


@87 – John Wesley, English cleric, theologian (d. 1791)

“Condemn no man for not thinking as you think. Let everyone enjoy the full and free liberty of thinking for himself. Let every man use his own judgment since every man must give an account of himself to God. Abhor every approach, in any kind or degree, to the spirit of persecution, if you cannot reason nor persuade a man into the truth, never attempt to force a man into it. If love will not compel him to come, leave him to God, the judge of all.”

@77 – Richard Rodgers, American playwright, composer (d. 1979; cancer)

@73 – Pat Morita, Japanese-American character actor (d. 2005)

“I don’t know of any other creature on earth other than man that will sit in a corner and cry because of some painful experience in the past.”

@62 – Peter Paul Rubens, Flemish painter, diplomat (d. 1640; heart failure)

“Every child has the spirit of creation. The rubbish of life often exterminates the spirit through plague and a soul’s own wretchedness.”

@42 – Gilda Radner, American comedic actress (d. 1989; cancer)



…The End for today…


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