June 16, 2024

17 Jun



Week 25  Day 169 Flag Today  85°/48°

Wind 10 mph Gusts 15 mph

Active Fire:  132 miles away Risk of fire: Extreme Nearest Lightning: 1134 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Moderate Breeze Red Flag Warning

Jun Averages: Temps: 80°\43° Moisture:  1 Day 



Weekly Observations


National Lemonade Days Link

National Automotive Service Professionals Week
13-19  Link

National Nursing Assistants Week  Link 

National Hermit Week

National Waste & Recycling Workers Week Link 
Animal Rights Awareness Week Link  Link

16-22 cont…
Greencare For Troops Awareness Week
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week
National Play Catch Week 
Universal Father's Week


National Old Time Fiddlers' Frolic Link 

National Week of Making Link
Learning Disabilities Week Link  Link
National Pollinator Week Link 
National Insect Week

Daily Observations

Apple Streudel Day
Eat All Your Veggies Day
National Garbage Man Day  
Link Link Link Link Link Link
Stewarts Root Beer Day

World Crocodile Day  Link
World Day To Combat Desertification and Drought
World Tessellation Day   

Today’s Quote                                                        Today’s Meme


"Summertime is always the best of what might be."

 — Charles Bowden



Today’s Thoughts

Not a cloud in the deep blue sky.

Looking forward to a great week ahead.

Flagstaff is filled with out-of-state license plates right now. I hope all these tourists are spending lots of money in our little mountain town. Somehow it seems that many tourists see our town as the wild west where there are few, if any traffic laws. Little need to signal a lane change or three or a turn, drive the speed limit, have your huge camper stay in one lane. Oh well, we live for the tourist money.

 1961 was 63 years ago…



US Cuban Exiles and CIA mount unsuccessful attempt to overthrow Castro known as the Bay of Pigs

Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human in space.

East German Authorities close the border between east and west Berlin and Construction of the Berlin Wall begins.

U.S. President John F. Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) started.

John F. Kennedy was sworn in by Chief Justice Earl Warren as the 35th President of the United States

Texas Sales Tax Introduced

President John F. Kennedy advises American families to build bomb shelters

"Freedom Riders" test the United States Supreme Court decision Boynton v. Virginia by riding racially integrated interstate buses

IBM introduces the Selectric typewriter Golfball


Origin of common phrases


Whistle Dixie

To "whistle Dixie" is to have unrealistic expectations. It comes from the U.S. Civil War-era song "Dixie" and the failed hope of a Confederate victory.

Historic Events


·         1885 – The Statue of Liberty arrived in New York Harbor.

·         1901 – The College Board introduced its first standardized test, the forerunner to the SAT.

·         1967 – China announced a successful test of its first thermonuclear weapon.

·         1971 – President Richard Nixon declared the US War on Drugs.

·         1994 – O.J. Simpson was arrested for the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman.


Birthdays with some quotes

81 – Barry Manilow, singer

81 – Newt Gingrich, American historian and politician

73 – Joe Piscopo, American actor

66 – Jello Biafra (Eric Reed Bouche), American singer-songwriter

“If voting could change anything, it would be illegal.”

61 – Greg Kinnear, American actor

58 – Jason Patric, American actor

54 – Will Forte, American comedic actor

44 – Venus Williams, American tennis player

“Some people say I have attitude – maybe I do… but I think you have to. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does; that makes you a winner right there.”

42 – Jodie Whittaker, English actress, The Thirteenth Doctor

37 – Kendrick Lamar, American rapper

“Build your own pyramids, write your own hieroglyphs.”

@73 – M.C. Escher, Dutch illustrator (d. 1972)

“Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible. I think it’s in my basement… let me go upstairs and check.”

@72 – Art Bell, American broadcaster and author (d. 2018; respiratory failure)

“The greatest question of all is whether our experience on this planet is “it” or whether there is something else. Things in the supernatural realm give support, strangely perhaps, to the things we take on faith.”

@58 – Red Foley, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 1968; respiratory failure)



…The End for today…


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