June 19, 2024

20 Jun




Week 25  Day 172 Flag Today  81°/45°

Wind 7 mph Gusts 15 mph

Active Fire:  39 miles away Risk of fire: Extreme

Nearest Lightning: 398 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Moderate Breeze

Red Flag Warning

Jun Averages: Temps: 80°\43° Moisture:  1 Day






Weekly Observations


National Lemonade Days Link

National Hermit Week

National Waste & Recycling Workers Week Link 
Animal Rights Awareness Week Link  Link
Greencare For Troops Awareness Week
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week
National Play Catch Week 
Universal Father's Week


National Old Time Fiddlers' Frolic Link 

National Week of Making Link
Learning Disabilities Week Link  Link
National Pollinator Week Link 
National Insect Week

Royal Ascot Link

Daily Observations

American Eagle Day  Link
Dump The Pump Day

Flitch of Bacon Day  Link 
Anne and Samantha Day  
Cuckoo Warning Day
Global Orgasm Day
International Nystagmus Awareness Day  
International Tennis Day   

Lambrusco Day  LinkNational Hike With A Geek Day   Link
National Kouign Amann Day  
Recess At Work Day
Summer Solstice  
Tall Girl Appreciation Day
World Productivity Day
World Refugee Day
World Tapas Day  

Today’s Quote                                                        Today’s Meme


"Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June."

 — Al Bernstein



Today’s Thoughts

I’m enjoying a breezy Federal Holiday. As a retired Civil Servant, I always enjoyed the Federal Holidays. For over 35 years it meant no work and a chance to get to town and visit places normally closed on weekends. Now that I have retired, I try really hard not to shop on Federal Holidays. I figure all workers should have a paid day off. If no one shopped on Federal Holidays, the stores would let their employees off.

The US is getting bad press for withholding certain military aid to Israel.

The Russia/N. Korea summit announced they signed a pact to protect each other from foreign adversaries that attack either one. This certainly have other nations concerned.


A couple of the websites I use for birthdays have stopped working. I am searching for new ones. The list of birthdays will continue to be small until I find a good one. Thanks for your patience.


 1963 was 61 years ago…

·         John F. Kennedy assassinated on Friday, November 22nd , 1963, in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas

·         Due to the high cost of daily maintenance and repairs, Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary closes

·         The United States Postal Service launches the ZIP Code System during July of 1963.

·         Beatles Release I Want To Hold Your Hand/I Saw Her Standing There and Meet the Beatles

·         The Profumo Crisis in the UK causing resignations from the cabinet

·         Studebaker the US Car Maker goes out of business and Ends production

·         The United States Senate approved ratification of the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

·         The Sabin oral Polio Vaccine which is taken with a lump of sugar is given nationwide in US and UK

·         Members of Ku Klux Klan dynamite Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama

·         The United States and the Soviet Union agree to establish a "hot line"

·         Origin of common phrases


Historic Events

The Casket Letters—which directly implicated Mary, Queen of Scots, in a plot with James Hepburn, 4th earl of Bothwell, to murder Mary's husband, Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley—were said to have been discovered this day in 1567.
In Atkins v. Virginia the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the imposition of the death penalty in cases involving intellectually disabled defendants violated the Eighth Amendment's protection against cruel and unusual punishment.
Steven Spielberg's thriller Jaws was released in theatres, and it was a huge success, essentially creating the genre of summer blockbusters.
Following a trial that was a national sensation in the United States, Lizzie Borden was acquitted of murdering her father and stepmother.


Nichole Kidman is 57

Lionel Richie is 75

John Goodman is 72


…The End for today…


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