June 29, 2024

30 Jun




Week 27 Day 181 Flag Today  89°/54°

Wind 10 mph Gusts 16 mph Moderate Breeze

Active Fire:  A miles away Risk of fire: High 

Nearest Lightning: 21 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Mostly Cloudy

Jun Averages: Temps: 80°\43° Moisture:  1 Day






Weekly Observations


National Lemonade Days Link
27 -7/4

National Prevention of Eye Injuries Awareness

Watermelon Thump Seed Spitting Week Link   
Water Ski Days  Link

Fireworks Safety Week 30-7/6

National Wildland Firefighter Week of Remembrance

Tour de France  Link 

Tom Sawyer Days


Daily Observations

Asteroid Day
California Avocado Day   
Descendants Day
Ice Cream Soda Day
International Day of Parliamentarism
Leap Second Time Adjustment Day
Log Cabin Day  

Mai Tai Day

Meteor Watch Day 
National Meteor Watch Day
National Outfit Of The Day Day  
(National Organization For Women) Day
Social Media Day  

Today’s Quote                                                        Today’s Meme


"Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August." — Jenny Han



Today’s Thoughts

As June ends I hope the monsoon continues.

Our discussion group meets this afternoon for a discussion on Green Energy Now and in the Future. It should be a good discussion about all of our alternatives and their pros and cons.

Biden certainly has looks better since his horrible debate. To be honest I remain concerned about his health as we move forward. For me, I will decide on election day who gets my vote.  Not only will I be watching Joe, but also Kamala.

When I was working at Red Lake I had a tough decision. Mrs. K was an excellent teacher to her 5th grade class. She was an older teacher and was on a new thing at the time…in-home dialysis. She hooked up to a machine every night. She had been at our school about 3 years when the machine was not doing its job. She was hospitalized several times. We were 30 miles from the nearest emergency room. After one bout, her son brought her back to Red Lake. He was very concerned about her being so far from a hospital. He had talked to her about disability retirement but she was worried about the children not having a teacher. He asked me to talk to her before she came back to the classroom. After a long talk about her experience as a teacher it moved to her health. I told her the children where young and they would be fine, but now was the time to look at her health, since we were so far from facilities if an emergency occurred. I told her that her health should be her first concern. Her son joined the conversation, and I stepped out of my office. After about another 30 minutes her son asked me to come back in. She had decided to retire and asked me to help her with the paperwork. I agreed. Then next morning she and her son came to the school, she wanted to say good-by to her class. It all worked out just fine.

 1965 was 59 years ago…

1965 Major News Events in History

  1. Race Riots Break Out In Watts, California leaving large parts of the city burnt and looted and 34 dead.
  2. Northeast blackout including Parts of Canada and U.S. North East
  3. St. Louis, Missouri, the 630-foot-tall parabolic steel Gateway Arch is completed ( The St Louis Arch ).
  4. The Voting Rights Act, guaranteeing African Americans the right to vote becomes law
  5. The Gemini Space Program continues into 1965 and lay the groundwork for an eventual manned mission to the moon.
  6. The Palm Sunday Tornado Outbreak on April 13th: An estimated fifty-one tornadoes (forty-seven confirmed) hit in six Midwestern states
  7. The popular daytime soap opera "Days of Our Lives" debuted on NBC
  8. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. leads civil rights march in Alabama from Selma to Montgomery.
  9. Malcolm X shot in New York
  10. Lyndon B. Johnson announces his program to create Medicare and to expand his war on poverty


Origin of common phrases



A "bootleg" is an illegal recording of music, movies, concerts, and other productions. The word stems from bootleggers, the makers of illicit alcohol during the U.S Prohibition era. Bootleg, in turn, had its origins in the practice of sneaking a flask of alcohol into the top of a tall boot.


Historic Events


·         1864 – President Abraham Lincoln granted Yosemite Valley to California for “public use, resort and recreation”.

·         1908 – The Tunguska Event happened near Lake Baikal, Russia.

·         1934 – The Night of the Long Knives, Adolf Hitler’s violent purge of his political rivals in Germany, took place.

·         1936 – Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind was published.


Birthdays with some quotes


68 – David Alan Grier, American comedic actor

64 – Vincent D’Onofrio, American character actor

“It’s like why people read scary books or go see scary movies. Because it creates a distance. They’re scared, but they’re not going to get hurt.”60 – Mark Waters, American comedy director, producer

“A lot of first-time filmmakers are almost apologizing for their movie by saying, ‘well, we only had 18 days to shoot, you know’.”

58 – Mike Tyson, American boxer

“Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but nonetheless doing it like you love it.”

42 – Lizzy Caplan, American actress

39 -Michael Phelps, Olympic swimmer

37 – Alicia Fox, American wrestler and model


@92 – Lena Horne, American singer (d. 2010)

“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.”

@62 – Harry Blackstone Jr., American magician and author (d. 1997; cancer)

“Practice until it becomes boring, then practice until it becomes beautiful.”



…The End for today…


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