August 04, 2024

5 Aug





Week 32 Day 218 Flag Today  83°/55°

Wind 3 mph Gusts 5 mph Light Breeze  

Active Fire:  101 miles away Risk of fire: High  Nearest Lightning: 5 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Partly Cloudy

Aug Averages: Temps: 79°\50° Moisture:  9 Days


Monthly Observations

Neurosurgery Outreach Month
Psoriasis Action Month 
Read-A-Romance Month
Romance Awareness Month 

Rye Month Link
Tomboy Tools Month (Pink Tools)
What Will Be Your Legacy Month
World Mutt-i-grees Rescue Month  

Weekly Observations


Games of the XXXIII Olympiad 2024

Happiness Happens Week Link
International Clown Week 
National Cleanse Your Skin Week 
National Minority Donor Awareness Week

Simplify Your Life Week
World Breastfeeding Week Link

Sturgis Rally Link 

Rock for Life Week Link


National Exercise With Your Child Week Link 
Single Working Women's Week  
Knights of Columbus Family Week  
National Button Week  
National Farmers' Market Week  Link Link 
National Health Center Week 
International Assistance Dog Week  
International Psychic Week  
Stop on Red Week  


Psychic Week


Old Fiddler Days Link


National Bargain Hunting Week

Daily Observations

Chile Pepper Day
National Oyster Day  
National Electric Traffic Light Day   
National Underwear Day  

Oyster Day
Picnic Day  

Underwear Day
Work Like a Dog Day

Today’s Quote                                                       



The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X



Today’s Meme


Today’s Thoughts

This morning brought lightning, thunder, sunshine and light rain all at once. Crazy weather for sure.

The track and field events have been great at the Olympics. Watching individual competitors giving all they have is inspiring for sure. Watching athletes shaking hands and/or hugging after close finishes is even better. Humanity at its very best.

 1975 was 49 years ago…

1. The British Conservative Party chooses its first women leader, Margaret Thatcher

2. Vietnam The Battle of Ban Me Thuot

3. The Vietnam War ends as Communist forces take Saigon and South Vietnam surrenders unconditionally.

4. The US Carries out Vietnam "Operation Babylift" bringing Vietnamese orphans to the US

5. Sony introduces Betamax videotapes and Matsushita / JVC introduce VHS.

6. One of the very first blockbuster films, Jaws, is released during June.

7. Patty Hearst becomes Most Wanted and is arrested for armed robbery.

8. The Suez Canal reopens for the first time since the Six-Day War

9. The Unemployment Rate in the US reaches 9.2% and recession is recognized by President Ford

10.      Britain’s inflation rate jumps 25%


Random Thoughts…

·         Ketchup was sold in the 1830s as medicine.

·         “And a one, and a two…” #TVCatchphrase

·         “The road to success is always under construction.” – Lily Tomlin

American History…

Why does the Liberty Bell have a crack in it

Incorrect: Overenthusiastic patriots Correct: Shoddy craftsmanship

It's a common myth that enthusiastic patriots cracked the Liberty Bell while celebrating on July 4, 1776. But the truth is that the bell has been suffering from repeated cracks since it was first (poorly) cast. While the mistake has been addressed multiple times over the years, that persistent split keeps coming back. The crack we see today showed up at some point in the 19th century—though no one can agree on exactly when it popped up.

Historic Events

  • 1305 – William Wallace, who led the Scottish resistance against England, was captured, tried, and executed by the English near Glasgow.
  • 1583 – Sir Humphrey Gilbert established the first English colony in the New World, in (now) Newfoundland’s St. John’s harbor.
  • 1924 – Little Orphan Annie, Comic Strip debuted


Jesse Williams, 43 TV Actor

James Gunn, 58 Director

Patrick Ewing, 63, Jamaican-American basketball player

Loni Anderson, 80, American actress


@82 - Neil Armstrong (1930-2012)


@84 – Conrad Aiken, American novelist, short story writer, critic, poet (died in 1973)

@67 – Bob Clark, American director, producer, screenwriter (died in 2007; car crash)


…The End for today…


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