May 29, 2024

30 May



Week 22  Day 151 Flag Today  80°/42°

Wind 7 mph Gusts 12 mph

Active Fire:  282 miles away Risk of fire: Extreme

Nearest Lightning: 328 miles away

Air Quality: Moderate Sunshine Partly Cloudy  

May Averages: Temps: 68°\34° Moisture:  3 Days 




Weekly Observations


National Seat Belt Reinforcement Week Link

Week of Solidarity With The People of Non-Self-Governing Territories

National Marina Days Link


Black Single Parents Week

Women's Golf Day Link


Scripps Spelling Bee Finals


Daily Observations

Indianapolis 500 Anniversary
Loomis Day
Macaroon Day

Memorial Day (Traditional)
Mint Julep Day

My Bucket’s Got a Hole Day National Creativity Day   Link Link
National Hamburger Day World MS Day (Multiple Sclerosis)  

Today’s Quote                                                        Today’s Meme


I don’t care that they stole my idea… I care that they don’t have any of their own.

--Nikola Tesla 


Today’s Thoughts

I saw my blood doctor today. For the first time in forever, my count was at high normal so no phlebotomy today. I will return in two months to see if it stays there.

I am using my fan during the day as temp. inside is at 80+. This sure seems very early for using it. I recall it usually isn’t necessary until July.

There were 3 small wildfires during the long weekend. All were contained quickly and no structures were harmed and there were no reported injuries. Our entire forest was put on high alert beginning yesterday. This sure sounds like this is going to be a very long fire season.

The jury now has time to deliberate. That is not stopping the 24/7 news from tons of guesswork on what the jury is doing. I’m sure both sides are preparing for the aftermath of the verdict, whenever it comes.

Indigenous People to Know


Allan Houser

Indigenous sculptor Allan Houser is considered to be among the most influential artists of the 20th century. His parents, members of the Chiricahua Apache tribe, were held as war prisoners for 20 years, and his family tree includes legendary Apache leader Geronimo, who was a first cousin to Houser's father. Houser's career began in 1939, when he was commissioned by the U.S. government to paint murals. He was one of the first Indigenous artists to receive the National Medal of Arts in 1992, and his statue, "Swift Messenger," sits in President Biden's Oval Office today.


Origin of common phrases

Bark up the wrong tree

To "bark up the wrong tree" comes from the early 1800s in America, when it was popular to hunt with packs of dogs. Today it means to have the wrong idea or ask the wrong person.

Historic Events

·         1842 – John Francis attempted to murder Queen Victoria as she drives down Constitution Hill in London.

·         1854 – The US territories of Kansas and Nebraska were established.

·         1911 – At the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the first Indianapolis 500 ended with Ray Harroun in his Marmon Wasp.

·         1975 – European Space Agency was established.

Birthdays with some quotes

71 – Colm Meaney, Irish character actor

“I usually read a script from an audience perspective first, and then look more closely at the character only.”

66 – Ted McGinley, American actor

“The script comes first. If that isn’t good enough, you know it’s gonna be a long ride.”

62 – Kevin Eastman, American author, illustrator

60 – Wynonna Judd, American singer-songwriter

“Sometimes all it takes is just a smile to change somebody’s weather.”

49 – CeeLo Green, American singer-songwriter

@81 – Howard Hawks, American director, producer, screenwriter (d. 1977)

@81 – Mel Blanc, American voice actor (d. 1989)

“Today was tomorrow yesterday so don’t inhale.”

@67 – Hugh Griffith, Welsh character actor (d. 1980; long illness)

@37 – Irving Thalberg, American screenwriter and producer (d. 1936; pneumonia)

“If it isn’t for the writing, we’ve got nothing. Writers are the most important people in Hollywood. And we must never let them know it.”


…The End for today…


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