May 21, 2024

22 May




Week 21  Day 143 Flag Today  74°/32°

Wind 7 mph Gusts 13 mph

Active Fire:  195 miles away Risk of fire Extreme

Nearest Lightning: 443 miles away

Air Quality: Moderate Sunshine Smoky

May Averages: Temps: 68°\34° Moisture:  3 Days





Weekly Observations


Cannes Film Festival

International Heritage Breeds Week Link  

EMS Week Link  Link Link
Healthcare Documentation Integrity Week
Healthy and Safe Swimming Week
International New Friends, Old Friends Week
National Backyard Games Week

National Eosinophil Awareness Week   Link 
National Medical Transcription Week

19-25 con’t.
National Safe Boating Week
National Tourism Week  
National Unicycle Week
World Trade Week

National Seat Belt Reinforcement Week Link

Undergraduate Research Week Link

Fleet Week

Mule Days Link

Daily Observations

Buy a Musical Instrument Day
Canadian Immigrants Day
EMS Day  
Emergency Medical Services for Children Day  
Link  Link  Link Link
Harvey Milk Day
International Being You Day  
International Day for Biological Diversity
Maritime Day
National Craft Distillery Day  

National Maritime Day
NF2 Awareness Day  
Sherlock Holmes Day  
US Colored Troops Day
Vanilla Pudding Day
World Goth Day  
Link  Link Link
World Paloma Day

Today’s Quote                                                        Today’s Meme


The most important things are the hardest to say, because words diminish them.

--Stephen King



Today’s Thoughts

Enjoying the great spring weather with a nice walk around the neighborhood. Prescribed burns nearby made it a little smoky. There is still smoke settling in at my place.

Smiling: AZ has been trying to serve Rudy Giuliani for a couple of weeks. It is about his involvement with the ‘fake’ electors in AZ from the 2020 election. He couldn’t be found. Then he posted on X taunting the process servers at his 80th party in Florida. He didn’t know they were sitting in the parking lot of the venue and were just waiting for him to leave. They served him as he was walking to his car. Good job.

The jury in the Trump trial will be back Tuesday next to hear closing arguments. The judge reminded them not to talk about the case. That must be quite a difficult task.

Did you Know?


Origin of common phrases

Piece of cake

In the 19th century, it was common to award cakes to winners at competitions, hence the idea of something being a "piece of cake."  "Cakewalk," which has a similar meaning, was actually the name of a dance competition. Plantation owners in the pre-Civil War South served as judges at cakewalks, wherein enslaved people went through a series of complicated dance moves that were most likely done in mockery of the plantation owners.

Historic Events

*      1804 – The Lewis and Clark Expedition officially began, from St. Charles, Missouri.

*      US President #16 Abraham Lincoln was the first U.S. President to receive a patent, on his floating drydock on May 22, 1849, US patent #6469.

*      1906 – The Wright brothers were granted US Patent (#821,393) for their “Flying-Machine”.

*      1964 – Lyndon B. Johnson launched The Great Society.

*      1990 – Microsoft Windows 3.0 was released.

Birthdays with some quotes

85 – Richard Benjamin, American character actor and director

58 – Johnny Gill, American singer-songwriter (New Edition)

54 – Naomi Campbell, English model

“If you have to talk to more than three people about the same problem, you don’t want help, you want attention.”

37 – Novak Djokovic, Tennis player

25 – Camren Bicondova, American actress

“I think it’s weird seeing myself on the television, but it’s great!”


@81 – Ted Kaczynski, American anarchist, serial murderer, the Unabomber (d. 2023)

@79 – Sun Ra, American pianist, composer, bandleader, poet (d. 1993)

“The possible has been tried and failed. Now it’s time to try the impossible.”

@75 – Hergé (Georges Prosper Remi), Belgian author, illustrator (d. 1983)

“By believing in his dreams, man turns them into reality.”

@71 – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, British writer (d. 1930; heart attack)

“You see, but you do not observe.”

“Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent.”

@69 – Richard Wagner, German composer (d. 1883)

@65 – Quinn Martin, American screenwriter and producer (d. 1987; heart attack)


…The End for today…


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