May 23, 2024

24 May




Week 21  Day 145 Flag Today  74°/40°

Wind 6 mph Gusts 12 mph

Active Fire:  14 miles away Risk of fire: Extreme

Nearest Lightning: 722 miles away

Air Quality: Moderate Sunshine Breezy

May Averages: Temps: 68°\34° Moisture:  3 Days






Weekly Observations


Cannes Film Festival

International Heritage Breeds Week Link  

EMS Week Link  Link Link
Healthcare Documentation Integrity Week
Healthy and Safe Swimming Week
International New Friends, Old Friends Week
National Backyard Games Week

National Eosinophil Awareness Week   Link 
National Medical Transcription Week
National Safe Boating Week
National Tourism Week  

19-25 Cont.
National Unicycle Week
World Trade Week

National Seat Belt Reinforcement Week Link

Undergraduate Research Week Link

Fleet Week

Mule Days Link

Old-Time Player Piano Weekend    Link

Mudbug Madness Days 

Daily Observations

Aviation Maintenance Technician Day   Link
Brother's Day   
Don't Fry Day  
EMS Day  
Escargot Day
International Tiara Day
Morse Code Day
National Cooler Day  
National and International Missing Children's Day  

National Polka Day -26 Link 
National Road Trip Day  
National Title Track Day
National Wig Out Day
Scavenger Hunt and Treasure Hunt Day  
World Schizophrenia Awareness Day
Yucatan Shrimp Day  

Today’s Quote                                                        Today’s Meme


Take a long pause… breathe and know that things are happening for you not to you. Ashton Kutcher



Today’s Thoughts

A fantastic spring day.

I was going to have lunch with Mary and Mike but they headed out early for their Phx house. Next week will be fine.

The Republicans and their leaders keep yelling about the border crisis. Today, for the second time, the Republicans, following their leader, have defeated a bipartisan border bill. So tired of the hypocrisy. It is not a perfect bill, but very few, if any, are perfect.

I must be very old school. It seems to me that every day another well-publicized Republican will not commit to accepting the 2024 election results. To me, it is more proof that they are against our electoral history.

Did you Know?


Origin of common phrases

If the creek don't rise

"If the creek don't rise" means if things go as planned. It has origins in the South, where a rising creek could mean dangerous currents or flooding.

Historic Events


*      1626 – Peter Minuit bought Manhattan from the Lenape Indians for “60 guilders worth of trade,” approximately $1,143 in 2020 dollars.

*      1844 – Samuel F.B. Morse sent the first public telegraph message – ‘What Hath God Wrought?’ through the Washington-to-Baltimore telegraph line.

*      1958 – United Press International (UPI) was formed through a merger of the United Press and the International News Service.


Birthdays with some quotes

85 – Tommy Chong, Canadian-American comedic actor

83 – Bob Dylan, American singer-songwriter, Nobel Prize laureate

80 – Patti LaBelle, American singer-songwriter

“There is nothing more personal than your values. What you will and won’t do to get ahead, the lines you will and won’t cross to win, whom you will and won’t step on for personal gain, are at the very core of your code of honor. And your code of honor determines your character. And your character is who you are. Behind closed doors. When nobody is watching.”

79 – Priscilla Presley, American actress

“When one of Lisa’s baby teeth fell out here, the tooth fairy left her 50 cents. Another tooth fell out when she was with her father in Las Vegas, and that tooth fairy left her $5. When I told Elvis that 50 cents would be more in line, he laughed. He knew I was not criticizing him; how would Elvis Presley know the going rate for a tooth?”

59 – John C. Reilly, American character actor

“I view my strongest competition as myself. You’re always trying to top yourself, rather than worrying about what other people are doing.”

57 – Eric Close, American actor

52 – Greg Berlanti, American director, producer, screenwriter

49 – Will Sasso, Canadian comedic actor

@81 – Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (d. 1901)

@44 – Heavy D (Dwight Arrington Myers), Jamaican-American rapper (d. 2011; blood clot)

“I was in California the first time I heard Michael Jackson wanted to record with me. I was, like, ‘Nah, no way, he’s too big, it can’t be true.’ Then I got a call from Michael’s people at my hotel telling me he was interested. But I still wasn’t believing it – I thought they were setting me up for a TV practical jokes show.”



…The End for today…


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