May 13, 2024

14 May




Week 20  Day 135 Flag Today  73°/36°

Wind 6mph Gusts 10mph

Active Fire:  48 miles away Risk of fire Extreme

Nearest Lightning: 426 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Mostly Cloudy

May Averages: Temps: 68°\34° Moisture:  3 Days




Monthly Observations

National Salad Month
National Salsa Month (The Sauce)
National Service Dog Eye Examination Month  

National Smile Month Link  (5-15-6-15)
National Strawberry Month
National Stroke Awareness Month
National Sweet Vidalia Onions Month

Weekly Observations


Universal Family Week

National Public Gardens Week  Link 

Westminster Dog Show Link

Display Week  Link

Food Allergy Awareness Week Link
National Hospital Week 
National Nursing Home Week
National Police Week
National Return To Work Week  
National Stuttering Awareness Week
National Tick Awareness Week
National Transportation Week
National Women's Health Week

12-18 Cont

Reading is Fundamental Week  Link 
Salute to Moms 40+ Week 
Salvation Army Week 
Work At Home Moms Week 


American Craft Beer Week Link 

Hoarding Awareness Week Link
International Coaching Week
National Bike to Work Week
National Etiquette Week
National Stationery Week
PGA Championships
Teacher Appreciation Week

Cannes Film Festival

Daily Observations

Apraxia Awareness Day  Link
Buttermilk Biscuit Day

Dance Like a Chicken Day National Chicken Dance Day  

National Decency Day  Link Link
The Stars and Stripes Forever Day
Underground America Day

Today’s Quote                                                        Today’s Meme


"Hope is the most exciting thing there is in life." — Mandy Moore



Today’s Thoughts

Moisture in the forecast…painters did not come today to finish the trim.

I I don’t have a lot to do today, so I listened to news coverage of the Trump trial. After the testimony so far, I don’t see how anyone can back Trump to be the leader of the free world.

My sleep must be season related. During the winter months I enjoy a 30-minute nap many days in the afternoon. Now that it is spring, I have no need or desire for an afternoon nap. Either way, I still feel good.

Did you Know?


 Interesting Facts

Fact: It takes a drop of water 90 days to travel the entire Mississippi River

Spanning 2,340 miles, the Mississippi River is the third-largest watershed in the world. That’s one long stretch of water. So long, in fact, that it takes one drop of water approximately 90 days to travel its entire length.

Historic Events

Ë 1607 – Jamestown, Virginia was settled as an English colony.

Ë 1796 – Edward Jenner, “the father of immunology, administered the first smallpox inoculation.

Ë 1948 – Israel was declared to be an independent state and a provisional government is established.

Birthdays with some quotes

80 – George Lucas, American director, producer, and screenwriter

“The one way the world hasn’t changed: teaching is still the most important job.”

72 – David Byrne, Scottish singer-songwriter

“People will remember you better if you always wear the same outfit.”

72 – Robert Zemeckis, American director, producer, and screenwriter

“No matter how many obstacles that are thrown in our path, there are ways to accept them and to live through them.”

55 – Cate Blanchett, Australian actress

“If you know you are going to fail, then fail gloriously.”

53 – Sofia Coppola, American director, producer, and screenwriter

“Forget the audience, make what you want to see.”

40 – Mark Zuckerberg, Entrepreneur

31 – Miranda Cosgrove, American actress

@61 – Thomas Gainsborough, English painter (d. 1788)

“Fools talk of imitation and copying, all is imitation.”

@37 – Bobby Darin, American singer-songwriter, actor (d. 1973; sepsis)

“It isn’t true that you live only once. You only die once. You live lots of times if you know how.”



…The End for today…


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