May 11, 2024

12 May



Week 20  Day 133 Flag Today  66°/43°

Wind 9mph Gusts -mph

Active Fire:  75 miles away Risk of fire: High 

Nearest Lightning: 10 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Partly Cloudy

May Averages: Temps: 68°\34° Moisture:  3 Days






Monthly Observations

National High Blood Pressure Education Month  Link
National Inventors Month 
(World) Lyme Disease Awareness Month 
National Meditation Month

National Mediterranean Diet Month Link
National Mental Health Month
National Military Appreciation Month

Weekly Observations


Children's Book Week Link 
National Nurses Day and Week
Link  Link
National School Nurse Week
National Sun Awareness Week  

Universal Family Week

National Public Gardens Week  Link 

Westminster Dog Show Link



Display Week  Link

Food Allergy Awareness Week Link
National Hospital Week 
National Nursing Home Week
National Police Week
National Return To Work Week  
National Stuttering Awareness Week
National Tick Awareness Week
National Transportation Week
National Women's Health Week
Reading is Fundamental Week 
Salute to Moms 40+ Week 
Salvation Army Week 
Work At Home Moms Week 

Daily Observations

Bereaved Mother's Day
Birthmother's Day
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Awareness Day  
Eat What You Want Day  
Indigenous Arts Day
International Migratory Bird Day   
Letter Carrier's  Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive Day  
Limerick Day
Migratory Bird Day
Mother Ocean Day
National Archery Day  
National Babysitters Day  

National Dog Mom's Day
National Foam Rolling Day  
Link (Massage)

National Miniature Golf Day
National Train Day
National Windmill Day
Nutty Fudge Day
O. Henry Pun-off Day  
Root Canal Appreciation

Stay Up All Night
World Belly Dance Day
World Fair Trade Day  
World Migratory Bird Day

Today’s Quote                                                        Today’s Meme


"The most wasted of days is one without laughter."

— E. E. Cummings



Today’s Thoughts

There may be some moisture this afternoon. Always appreciated.

Happy Mother’s Day !!!

For the history buffs: President Warren Hardin, in the early 1920’s had two hush money scandals. One was where he paid a woman with whom he was having an affair.  In today’s money, he paid her $260,000.

The Boy Scouts are now Scouting America. I was a Cub Scout and then a Boy Scout. I enjoyed both groups and learned a lot. In 2019 the Boy Scouts started letting girls into the troops. This name change helps solidify that change. I’m not 100% aboard with the idea. There may be some real issues during the overnight camping trips. As a chaperone on many 8th grade overnight trips, I know the issues that have to be resolved.

In the early 1960’s, the Red Lake community got its first day school, a K-5 school that was one of the few BIA schools that was not a Boarding School. In 1985 they opened the school addition that made the school K-8. I came to the school at that time and helped develop the 6th-8th grade school experience…athletics, dances, graduations. I got a text message with pictures from the school secretary that the construction of a whole new school has begun. They have begun demolition of the ‘out-buildings’ and the staff housing area. Staff will now live in Tuba, about 30 minutes away. In about 4 years the construction will be complete on a brand-new school building and staff housing. They will use the current school building for classes until the new school is complete. I’m excited that the community will have a more modern school. This text brought back some great memories of my time there.

Did you Know?


 Interesting Facts


Fact: Wally Amos is responsible for making more than just cookies famous

You may be familiar with Wally “Famous” Amos, thanks to his packaged chocolate chip cookies. But before he worked his magic on the sweet treats, he was in the business of making people famous, Biography reports. He discovered and signed folk duo Simon & Garfunkel and was a talent rep for acts like Diana Ross, Sam Cooke, and Marvin Gaye.


Historic Events


Ë 1846 – The Donner Party of pioneers left Independence, Missouri for California, on what became a year-long journey of hardship and cannibalism.

Ë 1847 – The Modern Odometer (Roadometer) was invented by William Clayton



74 – Bruce Boxleitner, American actor
65 –
Ving Rhames, American actor
62 –
Emilio Estevez, American actor
56 –
Tony Hawk, American skateboarder
46 –
Malin Åkerman, Swedish-Canadian model and actress
43 –
Rami Malek, American actor
46 –
Clare Bowen, Australian actress
38 –
Emily VanCamp, Canadian actress

@96 – Katharine Hepburn, American actress (d. 2003)
@94 –
Burt Bacharach, American singer-songwriter, pianist, and producer (d.2023 )

@90 – Florence Nightingale, Italian-English nurse, social reformer, and statistician (d. 1910)
@90 –
Yogi Berra (Lorenzo Pietro Berr), American baseball player, coach, and manager (d. 2015)@84 – Mary Kay Ash, American businesswoman, founded Mary Kay Cosmetics (d. 2001)@75 – Edward Lear, English limerickist (d. 1888; heart disease)

@74 – Henry Cabot Lodge, American historian and politician (d. 1924)
@71 –
Tom Snyder, American journalist and talk show host (d. 2007)
@71 –
George Carlin, American comedian, actor, and author (d. 2008; heart disease)


…The End for today…


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