May 25, 2024

26 May




Week 22  Day 147 Flag Today  71°/38°

Wind 9 mph Gusts 23 mph

Active Fire:  238 miles away Risk of fire: Extreme Nearest Lightning: 235 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Windy Red Flag Warning

May Averages: Temps: 68°\34° Moisture:  3 Days






Weekly Observations


National Seat Belt Reinforcement Week Link

Fleet Week

Mule Days Link

Old-Time Player Piano Weekend    Link


Mudbug Madness Days 

National Polka Weekend Link 

Week of Solidarity With The People of Non-Self-Governing Territories

Daily Observations

Indianapolis 500  
National Chardonnay Day  

National Paper Airplane Day  Link Link Link Link
Neighbor Day
World Lindy Hop Day

Today’s Quote                                                        Today’s Meme


It’s nice to be important, but it’s also important to be nice. Never forget that.  

--Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat)



Today’s Thoughts

I woke up to a common spring windy day. At least there is no sand in the air.

I’m expecting several friends to stop by this weekend. They will be traveling so it will be a short visits. All good. These strong winds are keeping me close to home. Besides that there is a lot of tourist traffic throughout our mountain town. When I first came to Flagstaff in 1971, the population was just under 50,000. Today the population is about 78,000. This town is always dealing with the growth. Most of the time, it is not dealt with well. In the 70’s the growth was to the north and east of the main town. The growth switched to the South and west in the 90’s. As that shift happened, the East side stagnated. I keep hoping it will move back to the East side again. 

Indigenous People to Know


Wedged between the American expansionists and the British invaders, Tecumseh was a Shawnee leader who attempted to carve out a sovereign Indigenous state in the Midwest. Tecumseh and his spiritually enlightened brother, Tenskwatawa, were descended from a long line of Indigenous leaders who fought for the land against the intruders. While Tecumseh's mission failed, and he died in battle in 1813, his efforts exposed the duplicitous underbelly of the foundation of America. His impact in the Midwest contributed to The American Indian Movement, which was started in Minneapolis in the 1960s and continues its work to this day. 

Origin of common phrases

 Goose egg

A "goose egg" refers to a team or competitor failing to score. It comes from the shape of a goose egg resembling a zero.

Historic Events

*      1868 – The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson ended with his acquittal by a single vote.

*      1923 – The first 24 Hours of Le Mans was held.

*      1927 – The last Ford Model T rolled off the assembly line after a production run of 15,007,003 vehicles.

*      1967 – The Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band was released.

Birthdays with some quotes

76 – Stevie Nicks, American singer-songwriter

“Your graciousness is what carries you. It isn’t how old you are, how young you are, how beautiful you are, or how short your skirt is. What it is, is what comes out of your heart. If you are gracious, you have won the game.”

75 – Pam Grier, American actress

“Struggle and survival, losing and winning, doesn’t matter. It’s entering the race that counts. You enter, you can win, you can lose …. but it’s all about entering the race.”

74 – Hank Williams, Jr., singer

60 – Lenny Kravitz, singer


@83 – Jack Kevorkian, American pathologist, author, and assisted suicide activist (d. 2011)

@81 – Peter Cushing, English actor (d. 1994)

@81 – Peggy Lee, American singer-songwriter and actress (d. 2002)

“I learned courage from Buddha, Jesus, Lincoln, Einstein, and Mr. Cary Grant.”

@72 – John Wayne, American actor (d. 1979; stomach cancer)

@65 – Miles Davis, trumpeter (d. 1991; stroke)

@64 – Al Jolson, American singer and actor (d. 1950; heart attack)

@61 – Sally Ride, American physicist and astronaut (d. 2012; cancer)

“I would like to be remembered as someone who was not afraid to do what she wanted to do, and as someone who took risks along the way in order to achieve her goals.”


…The End for today…


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