September 10, 2024

11 Sep





Week 37 Day 255 Flag Today  76°/45°

Wind 2 mph Gusts 7 mph Light Breeze  

Active Fire:  68 miles away Risk of fire: High  Nearest Lightning: 118 miles away

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Mostly Cloudy

Sept. Averages: Temps: 72°\44° Moisture:  5 Days


Monthly Observations

Sea Cadet Month
Self-Care Awareness Month 
September Is Healthy Aging Month
Shameless Promotion Month
Sports and Home Eye Health & Safety Month

Subliminal Communications Month
Superior Relationships Month
Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month  
Update Your Resume Month
Whole Grains Month

Weekly Observations


Celebrate Community Link 
Direct Support Professional Recognition Week
International Housekeepers Week
National Assisted Living Week
National Chef Appreciation Week
National Security Officer Appreciation Week
Suicide Prevention Week


Line Dance Week

Substitute Teacher Appreciation Week

International Air Ambulance Week  Link

Daily Observations

Hot Cross Bun Day
Make Your Bed Day
National Day of Service and Remembrance

Patriot Day  Link
Remember Freedom Day

Today’s Quote                                                       


The unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates


Today’s Meme


Thoughts for the day

Americans will remember where we were and what we were doing on this day on 2001. Those not old enough to remember will be reminded by the many memorials that will happen around the country today.

Monsoon should return this afternoon. Forest is happy.

I headed out about 10 this morning for a needed pedicure. My feet feel so much better. The Vietnamese lady I like was there, so it was a great pedicure.



What has lots of eyes, but can’t see?

Random Thoughts…

When Horace and Daeida Wilcox founded Hollywood in 1887, they hoped it would become a religious community.

Brigitte Bardot – Real Name: Camille Javal

Teddy Roosevelt gave us the phrase ‘speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far’ in 1900.

A group of Caterpillars is called an Army. 

Slang Words…

You're toast

- Pop culture reference point: "Ghostbusters" (1984)

"You're toast" is typically deployed when a person or thing is in serious trouble. The phrase is associated with the hit 1984 blockbuster "Ghostbusters," although the exact quote used in the movie is "All right, this chick is toast!"

Riddles Answer

Answer: A potato.


Ludacris [Christopher Brian Bridges], 47,  Rapper

Taraji P. Henson, 54 Movie Actress

Harry Connick Jr., 57 Pop Singer

Bashar Al-Assad, 59 Politician


@74 – Tom Landry, American football player and coach (d. 2000; leukemia)

@68 – Jean-Claude Forest, French comic book author, and illustrator: created Barbarella (d. 1998; asthma)

@47 – O. Henry [William Sydney Porter], American short story writer (d. 1910; cirrhosis)


@44 – D.H. Lawrence, English novelist, poet, playwright, and critic (d. 1930; TB)


…The End for today…


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