November 23, 2015

Nov 24, 2015

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November 24, 2015  Week: 48 \ Day: 328
November Averages: 51°\22°
86004 Today: H 59° \ L 23° Average Sky Cover: 0% 
Wind ave:   4mph\Gusts:  16mph
Ave. High: 48° Record High: 68°[1970] Ave. Low: 20° Record Low: -7°[1902]
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Observances Today:                         
Brownielocks Day Link
Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day
D.B. Cooper Day Link

Observances This Week:
National Farm-City Week
GERD Awareness Week Link
National Family Week
National Game & Puzzle Week

Better Conversation Week
*Church/State Separation Week

National Deal Week
Quote of the Day 

US Historical Highlights for Today
1703 - 1st Lutheran pastor ordained in America, Justus Falckner at Phila
1871 - National Rifle Association organized (NYC)
 - Joseph F Glidden patents barbed wire

1916 - Mexican and US representatives sign a protocol at Atlantic City, under which Pershing's troops will withdraw and each nation's army will guard the border. President Carranza of Mexico will refuse to accept it
1925 - Eugene O'Neill Theater (Coronet, Forrest) opens at 230 W 49th St NYC
1930 - Ruth Nichols sets women's transcontinental air flight record (Mineola, NY to California), in a Lockheed-Vega
1932 - In Washington, D.C., the FBI Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory (better known as the FBI Crime Lab) officially opens.
1941 - The Pioneer Hotel in downtown Tucson announced that it intended to build a Porter's Store on its premises. Porter's Stores carried Western equipment and supplies.
1947 - John Steinbeck's novel "Pearl" published
1947 - The US House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Activities finds "Hollywood 10" in contempt because of their refusal to reveal whether they were communists
1954 - Air Force One, 1st US Presidential airplane, christened
1966 - 400 die of respiratory failure & heart attack in killer NYC smog
1971 - Dan "DB" Cooper parachutes from a Northwest AL 727 with $200,000
1979 - US admits troops in Vietnam were exposed to the toxic Agent Orange
1991 - 1st int’l flight from Long Island's MacArthur Airport (to Mexico)
1991 - Monica Seles, sets female tennis record winning $2,457,758 in a year
2014 - A 12-year-old boy is shot dead by police in Cleveland, after brandishing what turned out to be a fake gun in a playground
World Historical Highlights for Today
1105 - Rabbi Nathan ben Yehiel of Rome completes Talmudic dictionary
1800 - Naturalists Alexander von Humboldt and AimΓ© Bonpland depart Caracas for Cuba where they met fellow botanist John Fraser
1859 - Charles Darwin publishes "On the Origin of Species"
1971 - A woman is killed after members of the Irish Republican Army carry out an attack on British soldiers in Strabane, County Tyrone
1995 - Ireland votes to end 58-year-old amendment on divorce (50.28% to 49.72%)
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Birthdays Today:
How many can you identify? Answers below in Birthdays Today 

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My Rambling Thoughts
Quiet Monday. Quick checkup at Dr. Everything good. Thyroid still making come crazy output, so change in meds. Nice day. Cold will be here for Thanksgiving.
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Brain Teasers
(answers at the end of post)
Black as night I can be,
Until my Mother sits on me;
Then clear as ice I become
In the rough, thank you Mum.

What am I?

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Found on You Tube with some relevance to today
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…Amazing Facts…
The pea aphid insect explodes itself thereby sacrificing its life to protect its relatives from predators.

In 1976, an underachieving Princeton junior undergraduate wrote a term paper detailing how to make a nuclear bomb. He got an "A", but never got his paper back because it was seized by the FBI.
…Crazy Law…
Taking a snooze in a cheese factory, bake shop, confectionery, or creamery is illegal under Illinois’ Sanitary Food Preparation Act. Should you want to seduce that Gouda in the privacy of your own home, though, go right ahead.

…Cuba Video of the Day…

Lunch time music in Cuba
…Unusual Fact of the Day…
Yawning is so contagious that it can spread to dogs and monkeys.
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2 jokes for the day
Teacher and Student

Teacher: "Whoever answers my next question, can go home."

One boy throws his bag out the window.

Teacher: "Who just threw that?"

Boy: "Me, and I’m going home now."
Marriage Certificate

Wife: "What are you doing?"

Husband : "Nothing."

Wife : "Nothing...? You've been reading our marriage certificate for an hour."

Husband : "I was looking for the expiration date."      
Yep, It Really Happened
Associated Press via Dallas Morning News American Sharia: (1) U.S. parents have a right to home-school their kids, but are subject to varying degrees of regulation, with Texas the most lax, and one El Paso family will have a day before the Texas Supreme Court after one of its kids was reported declining to study because education was useless since he was waiting to be "raptured" (as described in the Bible's Book of Revelation). (2) U.S. courts increasingly allow customers to sign away state and federal rights by agreeing to contracts providing private arbitration for disputes rather than access to courts -- even if the contract explicitly requires only religious resolutions rather than secular, constitutional ones. A November New York Times investigation examined contracts ranging from Scientology's requirement that fraud claims by members be resolved only by Scientologists -- to various consumer issues from home repairs to real estate sales limited to dockets of Christian clerics.    
Somewhat Useless Information
To debunk a popular turkey tale, Benjamin Franklin did not advocate for the turkey as the National Bird. However, according to The Franklin Institute, he was against the Bald Eagle, stating in a letter to his daughter that it was a "Bird of bad moral Character" whereas the turkey was a "much more respectable Bird...a Bird of Courage."

Turkeys are named after the country. Linguists theorize that early Europeans were reminded of the African Guinea Fowl which had come to Europe through Turkey, and the similarity led to its name.

The first official presidential turkey pardon wasn't given until George H.W. Bush's in 1989, although reports credit many presidents with the tradition including Abraham Lincoln, whose son took a liking to the turkey destined for Christmas dinner, and Harry Truman, who was the first to appear in a photo op with a turkey that would later be served.

A turkey's gender can be determined from its droppings-a male's will be shaped like the letter J, a female's more spiral-shaped.

They have excellent vision, seeing three times more clearly than 20/20. Turkeys can also see in color and have a 270 degree field of vision.

Wild Turkey populations plummeted in the 19th century due to popularity as a game bird and loss of habitat, disappearing entirely from New England.

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Birthdays Today
“()” indicates age at death
(82) - William F. Buckley Jr, New York, American conservative author and commentator (National Review, Firing Line) (d.2008)
(74) - Frances Hodgson Burnett, Manchester UK, playwright and children's author ("The Secret Garden") (d.1924)
(73) - Kirby Grant, Butte Mont, actor (Sky King) (d.1985)
(67) - Bat Masterson, American gunfighter (d. 1921)
(66) - Dale Carnegie, author (How to Win Friends & Influence People) (d.1955)
(65) - Zachary Taylor, Barboursville Virginia, 12th President (d. 1850)
(64) - Charles "Lucky" Luciano, Sicily, NYC Mafia gangster, (d. 1962)
(63) - Collodi, [Carlo Lorenzini], Italian author (Pinocchio) (d.1890)
(49) - Scott Joplin, Texas, ragtime entertainer\composer (The Entertainer) (d.1917)
37 - Katherine Heigl, actress (Grey's Anatomy), born in Washington, D.C.
(31) - Todd Beamer, Flint MI, passenger and hero on United Flight 93 (d.2001)
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Historical Obits Today
@85 - George Raft, American actor (Scarface, Johnny Angel, Mr Ace), 1980
@73 - Pat Morita, American actor (Happy Days, Karate Kid) kidney failure, 2005
@70 - Diego Rivera, Mexican painter, 1957
@64 - Joseph Brant [Thayendanegea], Mohawk leader, 1807
@50 - HΓ©ctor Camacho, Puerto Rican professional boxer, gunshot, 2012
@24 - Lee Harvey Oswald, JFK's assassinator, shot dead on TV, 1963
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Brain Teasers Answers

When buried deep in Mother Earth, the high pressure transforms black coal into clear diamonds; a diamond in the rough.

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Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site contains mistakes and sadly once the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.

 πŸAnd That Is All for Now 🍁 

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